Name a song that you couldn't live without.

Nevermore - This Godless Endevour. I definitely couldn't live without this song.

Honourable mentions go to...

Karnivool - Themata.
Behemoth - At the Left Hand Ov God.
Decapitated - The Eye of Horus.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned hardcore bands, but I really love Reign Supreme's - And Come What May. I'm sure there's other I couldn't live without, but this one popped into my mind because they're one of my favorites.
Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe (the song); pretty much perfectly defines and encapsulates the aspects of metal I love the most (roaring aggressive verses, unbelievably soaring chorus, tasteful sweeps, progressiveness, nerdiness, BONER, etc.)
Iron Maiden 80' era.

Bob Dylan - Shall be released
Bob Dylan - Lady lady
Marty Friedman - Angel
Marty Friedman - Rio
The Cure - Fascination Street
Megadeth - Hangar 18 , Take no prisioners
Soda Stereo - El Rito.
Marty Friedman - West
Alex Skolnick trio - Las day in paradise
Between The Buried and Me - Selkies: The Endless Obsession
absolutely love it, the transitions are beautiful too.
Between The Buried and Me - Selkies: The Endless Obsession
absolutely love it, the transitions are beautiful too.
Favorite band!
I've heard this song so many times, though. I think I'll change my answer to BTBAM - More Of Myself To Kill.
It's mixed by Randy, dude. One of his greatest works, and probably one of the best rock mixes of all time. That album blew away all my references and forced me to start anew.

No way I'd have ever listened to Nickelback otherwise :lol:

All the tracks on the record have slightly different mixes, so check them all out and you may find one you like better. For me it's between this, Animals, Fight for all the Wrong Reasons and Side of a Bullet.

After I decided "Well fuck, even if the music might suck, I'll give it a try anyway" and finally got a hold of Dark Horse, I just thought "Dayummmm".
Yeah, the overheads are a bit low in the mix, but goddamn, a fantastic mix.
I've really gotta get a hold of "All The Right Reasons" too.

Now if only the music was actually good at all, it would be perfect :lol:
That was good Greg, what band was that? They could work on their structure a bit but otherwise pretty solid.

Anyway, I'm quite convinced Chad Kroeger is a bonafide genius.

I swear no other man could write an so obviously filled with such terrible sexual innuendo, sometimes not even innuendo - just total crass (I mean "Something In Your Mouth"? Seriously?) , put it on a record and still sell 5+ million copies.