Name a song that you couldn't live without.

Metallica - Fade to Black
Mastodon - Circle Of Cysquatch and all of Crack the Skye
Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Comfortably Numb
Elbow - The Lonliness Of A Tower Crane Driver

Anybody who said Nickelback and meant it has lost their musical soul - seriously - urgently seek Dark Side Of The Moon and listen to it at least 3 times over

...On vinyl
Anybody who said Nickelback and meant it has lost their musical soul - seriously - urgently seek Dark Side Of The Moon and listen to it at least 3 times over

...On vinyl

I think I forgot to mention how much I love Nickelback.

I don't really like Nickelback THAT much. My point is, it that it's better than a wagon full of bands that all sound the same. The lyrics are cheese, but the arrangements are pretty awesome, as are the melodies.
Not really a big fan of the music elitism - which is why I'm distancing myself from the metal genre. Too many arrogant folks around who fail to see that their precious music is as susceptible to the same trends and exploitative devices that Nickelback are so renowned for. I'd rather kick it with the radio-rock crowd who are at least honest about their taste and desire to just rock the hell out, rather than a bunch of nerds who are so wrapped up in seeming 'true' to their musical integrity that they forget the inherent idea of music is to actually enjoy oneself :)
I don't really like Nickelback THAT much. My point is, it that it's better than a wagon full of bands that all sound the same. The lyrics are cheese, but the arrangements are pretty awesome, as are the melodies.

NPR.ORG said:
January 4, 2005 - Can a band plagiarize itself? One listener in Canada has implied as much by taking two songs by the band Nickelback and superimposing them over one another to emphasize the similarity.

Mikey Smith, a 21-year-old college student and musician in Alberta, Canada, heard two of the band’s songs on the radio and immediately noticed something was strange.

“I kind of noticed, well, you can hum the melody of the other one over this one, and I wondered why this is,” Smith says. “So I tried to put them together, one on the left speaker, one on the right speaker. And it was actually ridiculous how similar they were.”

What Smith noticed was that Nickelback’s earlier hit song, “How You Remind Me,” sounded very similar to one of the band’s newest songs, “Someday.” Once the similarity was discovered, the songs started piggybacking around the Internet with the moniker “How You Remind Me of Someday.”

Smith admitted that he tweaked the songs a bit to create his musical Frankenstein, but he says he did so to prove how similar the songs are. He wanted to make a point to his friends and girlfriend, a big Nickelback fan.

Well, she was.

“She pretty much despises Nickelback now,” Smith said.

Smith said he put his remixed Nickelback song on his Web page so his friends could listen to it. But once on the Web, Smith’s creation got loose.

“A lot more people heard it than I was expecting,” he says. “And it’s everywhere. I couldn’t stop it if I tried.”

Responses to Smith’s discovery have been mixed. Some say he’s a genius, while others have been less complimentary.

Nickelback’s publicist has not commented on Smith’s discovery, but bassist Mike Kroeger was asked about it in an interview with the Cleveland Free Times. Kroeger told the newspaper, “I think that’s remarkable for someone to notice that there’s a hit quality. If all hits sound the same, then sorry. When you are a band that has a distinct style, such as us or AC/DC, that happens. When you have a distinct style, you run the risk of sounding similar.”

Smith says that’s grounds for fraud. He claims Nickelback is ripping off its fans, some of whom might not realize it.

This is not the first time a band has been accused of copying itself. In the mid-1980s, John Fogerty was sued by Fantasy Records, which claimed the singer’s “Run Through the Jungle” and “Old Man Down the Road” were the same song. Fogerty won the case with the help of expert witness Gerald Eskelin, a forensic musicologist in California.

Eskelin says that just because the Nickelback songs sound familiar, that doesn't mean they are the same.

“The melodies are different in these two songs,” Eskelin says. “The only thing that’s the same is the bass line or the chord structure.”

He says many songs in the ’60s used similar bass lines or chord structures. To find a musician that copied himself, Eskelin says you have to go back to the 18th century.

“I think of Handel, whose three-and-a-half-hour Messiah epic used music he had used before; he just put Messiah-type words to it,” he says.

People did not complain, Eskelin says, because they liked the music.

Smith is not convinced. He says he has dug further into Nickelback’s catalog of songs and found more common threads. In fact, he discovered striking similarities between Nickelback’s songs and those of fellow Canadian musician Avril Lavigne.

To Smith, Nickleback, Lavigne and many of the other bands on Top 40 radio represent an insidious and increasing homogeneity in the North American songbook. He also realizes that most listeners don't care.

“Realistically, music isn’t that big a deal. To me, it is. I mean, I find different forms of music can be totally emotionally stimulating and make me feel things that normally would be not as easy to feel. So actually, I’d go so far as to say that I learn things about myself just through listening to music.”

Sean Cole reports from member station WBUR.

nah they totally don't sound the same in every song
To be honest I fail to see the point, there are so many metal bands that do the same. I honestly can't tell two Cannibal Corpse songs apart.

The point here is that metal is susceptible to the same intrinsic patterns and formulas but compared to the rock community, who lets face it - just like and support the music they enjoy, in a sort of simple honest way, many in the metal community want to bury their head in the sand and think that they are all lovers of a superior art form.

I agree with Ermz absolutely, and I've been finding in most of the things he says recently, he has my absolute respect for just being a beacon of common fucking sense.
Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast... absolute classic...
Judas Priest - Diamonds and Rush... another classic...
Öwen;9163910 said:
I think I forgot to mention how much I love Nickelback.



Hyperbole really, I'm sure I could if I wanted to, however, for all intensive stylistic purposes you could just as much argue that each Cannibal Corpse song is a continuation of the exact same format as you could a Nickelback one, that's really what I'm saying.