albums that give you a headache

i really wish i could listen to akercocke's albums with like newish opeth qaulity!

i guess it helps with making it sound evil?
i wish i could hear early old man's child stuff remixed and remastered. . .

august burns red is a perfect example of a band that i can't listen to mainly because of the production.

while we are on the topic though,

amon amarth just re-released one of their early albums (Once Sent from the Golden Hall featuring martin lopez of opeth) and i think there are some live tracks with anderson on drums but in any case i need to get me that shit i almost shit myself when i heard the new tracks on myspace. amon amarth ftw!
Death Magnetic. Biggest band on the planet and yet they come out with that piece of shit. Andy Sneap needs to sit Metallica down and explain to them what a decent production can sound like, because they just don't have a fucking clue. Most disapointing mix ever.
Good to see that I'm not the only one who got acoustically raped by "Nattens Madrigal". ;)

If you go from "Bergtatt" and "Kveldssanger" to this... well, that's a statement!
the band Ancient gives me a headache, also Hexenhaus's Edge of Eternity album. doesn't mean I think they're bad, they just do.
i really wish i could listen to akercocke's albums with like newish opeth qaulity!

i guess it helps with making it sound evil?

Pretty much - their front man actually thinks he's a great producer/engineer by all accounts. Give them credit though, they're the only death metal-ey band I've seen that manage to pull off that awful "recorded through bees, in a very small box" sound when they play live too :lol:

^ Well played.

'Virus' has NOTHING on 'Nattens Madrigal'. I was thinking Anaal Nathrakh's 'The Codex Necro' would be the worst in my collection, but it is dwarfed by 'Nattens..'. That recording is the best way to get nobody to listen to your stuff.. ever. I wonder how much hearing damage it caused for the select few who followed it through the production process.

Dude, give Ulver a break, according to legend they recorded it in a Norwegian forest and bought Armani suits with the remaining dosh! Doubt its true though...
Bleeding Through "Declaration"....holy shit I'm listening it right now. I don't understand how it could possible to master an album like's totally fucked up, uber can hear a big amount of attenuation every 1-2 second...
At this point I think: which is the sense of the mixing process?