Albums that Joey's programmed drums on?


Jan 12, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I've wondered this for a while.
I've heard that Joey programmed the drums for the WCAR album and the first Miss May I album, but I don't know what's true or not.

Just curious :D
I guess the first miss may i are programmed drums! but i don´t know for sure!
Wcar drummer is a sick bastard he plays real tight live and i think joey didn´t programm drums for wcar because he is offering a wcar sample pack or so where the kit of the drummer was recorded. that´s all i know
A Plea for Purging - "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"
I Am Abomination - "To Our Forefathers"
All of the above are true except for WCAR.
The first WCAR album was not programmed, but I'm not too sure about the new single that is out and the new album they are recording right now.
Almost all of Joey's works are programmed drums. Maybe 2-3 exception :) But it's quite good for music he works with. Personally I'm not live-drums freak and I'm very happy to listen new AA's album with sampled cymbals.
Better question is which albums did he Not program drums on, I was under the impression programmed most of his commercial work.
Almost all of Joey's works are programmed drums. Maybe 2-3 exception :) But it's quite good for music he works with. Personally I'm not live-drums freak and I'm very happy to listen new AA's album with sampled cymbals.

Nope. Pretty sure he records most of his drums live, but triggers most of the shells and augments parts of the cymbals (where needed)
Maybe I'm wrong with my previous conclusion, because it's very hard to hear any difference between programmed drums and recorded with pads. I guess drums were recorded with Roland pads, then quantized and sampled (including cymbals), and as a result of this we get very polished and sterile sound :)
Maybe I'm wrong with my previous conclusion, because it's very hard to hear any difference between programmed drums and recorded with pads. I guess drums were recorded with Roland pads, then quantized and sampled (including cymbals), and as a result of this we get very polished and sterile sound :)

Except that's not what he does.
Almost all of Joey's works are programmed drums. Maybe 2-3 exception :) But it's quite good for music he works with. Personally I'm not live-drums freak and I'm very happy to listen new AA's album with sampled cymbals.


Maybe I'm wrong with my previous conclusion, because it's very hard to hear any difference between programmed drums and recorded with pads. I guess drums were recorded with Roland pads, then quantized and sampled (including cymbals), and as a result of this we get very polished and sterile sound :)

And no. Dead wrong on both counts.

Joey doesn't record e-kits, and any albums he's programmed in the last 2-3 have been done with his own cymbal samples, aside from the FTFD album as mentioned before. Regardless, he doesn't program drums very often, and only as a last-ditch effort if the drummer is absolutely terrible or has really, really boring parts that hurt the song.

I can say with 100% certainty that the only one since October to be programmed was the Silent Screams album, because I did the midi conversion on that to begin with.
JeffTD said:
and only as a last-ditch effort if the drummer is absolutely terrible

Aw lol
this is great to know though, does he blend samples on the tracks he records or fully sample the triggers then use real cymbals?
Just wonderin.
A couple questions for you Jeff:

Could you give us a little insight into how (or more appropriately "what") you are editing when joey sends you drum tracks?

Meaning, we all know about the slip-editing method, but what tracks are you editing?

Sorry if this is a daft question..

Overheads, room(s), and using close Kick, Snare, and Tom mic tracks for visual references, or using trigger "blips" for quantizing.

If joey is including close mics I can see exactly how it goes down.
But if you are only receiving trigger tracks for Sn, K, and/or Toms,
how do you know what the beat is supposed to sound like while you edit?

Do you simply run instances of Trigger/Gog to monitor the signals?

Also, for those of you who are printing samples, do you print them before editing so that when you finish editing the raw tracks, the samples are aligned? Or do you edit first, then print samples?

I usually edit first, but then im using mic'ed signals to trigger samples and after printing I still have to double check each transient for phase accuracy.
(Although after reading and implementing joeys prefs for drumagog the triggering has been much more accurate. Kicks are almost always right on, Snares and Toms usually still need a little nudge here and there)

I hope these questions make sense, and again sorry if they're lame questions but I have been wondering for a bit about these things.

*EDIT.. Of course I guess you could just listen to the OH's/rooms to hear what it is you are editing.. but the other questions still stand. I think..
JeffTD, I really want to believe that most of Joey's production works was done with live drums, but one example: cymbals in the new Asking Alexandria album sound exactly as Truth Custom Emerald pack. At least crashes, ride and both china's. Maybe there are many magic tricks with blending, or this cymbal pack was recorded with AA's drummer during their recording session... don't know.