Albums that you think were ahead of their time


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Some old albums never sound dated, in fact they might even sound advanced when compared to today's standards.

I'll start with one, and quite apt considering this forum's history....

CELTIC FROST - To Mega Therion

If a new band released an album like this today, I think people would take serious notice. I don't know many albums that are as unique or ahead of their time as this one.

In fact, the theory is, this album may very well be timeless.
dill_the_devil said:
Faith No More - Angel Dust. Obviously it was hailed as brilliant at the time of it's release also, but The Dillinger Escape Plan's latest album owes it so many debts that I reckon even if it was released today, it'd still be a stormer.
I opened this thread to mention this album specifically. That album still sounds way beyond what anyone had done up to and afterwards, completely Timeless.

Honestly I could think of a handful more examples, but Angel Dust is the best one. There is none higher. My fucking poop. Jebus.
I will comment on these when I have more time.

Bathory - Hammerheart
Metallica - Ride the lightning
Bathory - S/T
At the Gates - TRITSIO
I question whether Metallica were ever ahead of their time. If you think about it, "Kill 'em All" was a product of its environment. There were other thrash bands out there falling off the NWOBHM bandwagon, trading tapes in the underground and what not.

And then came along "Ride the Lightning". Was it ahead of its time, or just a great heavy metal record that 'simply' dropped all the thrash elements from the previous "Kill em All"?
hmmm .. this is a tough one. I do agree on the CF one though.
did any of you guys read Tom Warrior's book?
I think a case can be made for Ride the Lightning, with stuff like Fade to Black adding in a whole new epic element to thrash/punk.

What is considered the first real thrash record anyhow?
Swans - Filth

Not my favorite Swans, but probably the most ahead of it's time. Groups like Khanate, Sunn O))), Eyehategod, Goatsblood, etc. don't have anything on this work of all out ugliness from 1983. Oh and the s/t EP from 1982 is along similar lines I guess, not as disgusting though.
Everything I would have said has already been said.

I definitely agree with Bathory & Metallica. RtL was very much so ahead of its time. I also want to give Operation: Mindcrime a 1988/89, hair metal ruled the world, and thrash was doing very well, but an intelligent concept album? Yes, I realize King Diamond had been testing the waters in this realm as well, but nothing even remotely close to the audio movie that was O:M.
Possessed - Seven Churches
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness

Without these albums death metal probably wouldn't exist. They even make Slayer look like just another thrash band, sorta. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Whichever one came out first I'd say.

One Inch Man said:
Possessed - Seven Churches
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness

Without these albums death metal probably wouldn't exist. They even make Slayer look like just another thrash band, sorta. :tickled:

Sorry n00b, but Death & Obituary were already destroying speakers by the time Possessed & MA got around to it. :cool:
markgugs said:
Sorry n00b, but Death & Obituary were already destroying speakers by the time Possessed & MA got around to it. :cool:

uhm ... that is a negative
markgugs said:
Sorry n00b, but Death & Obituary were already destroying speakers by the time Possessed & MA got around to it. :cool:
Fail history much? :p

Slowly We Rot - 1989
Scream Bloody Gore - 1987
Seven Churches - 1985
One Inch Man said:
Possessed - Seven Churches
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness

Possessed, yeah.

Morbid Angel, perhaps not. Death released "Scream Bloody Gore" two years earlier.

And with that in mind, we have to recognize that Slayer's "Show No Mercy" came out in 1983. 1983 for fucks sake!!! The year after the release of "Number of the Beast"!!!!1
I should've referred to Abominations of Desolation instead of Altars, that came out in 1986 and had several songs from Altars that are pretty much the same. I don't know how widespread that was back then though, Earache re-released it in the 90s.

Show No Mercy yes, I've often referred to that one as being underappreciated and UNRULY. I AM THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! :kickass: