ah damn i left out 2112
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
also played a big role in my musical journey
traded for it because everyone always talked about it. now a good 80% of my listening is DOOM
Which is pretty hilarious based on the irony of much of your previous posts on the genre. With that said...bout fucking time.![]()
Metallica - S/T
Meandering through the halls of high school became less of a chore with this mainstream classic.
Green Day: Dookie
This album becomes unlistenable upon first pube. But for a wet behind the ears 13 yr old it's the greatest thing next to AquaNet.
Junior Wells' Chicago Blues Band - Hoodoo Man Blues. While this isn't a lone standout as such, it marked the start of my quest to not have my taste in albums begin with mid-60s rock (aside from a couple of randoms). So essentially the beginning of me finding a handful of old blues albums I liked, and then likewise with some vocal jazz and early pop.