Alexi Laiho to tour with Hypocrisy

Hmm, wonder how many Hypocrisy fans are going to disown the band now for 'selling out' :lol:
Personally never really listened to them other than a couple of songs on youtube but from what i hear about there new album i might jsut give it a listen:)
You know what'd be a killer dvd.....a COB DVD with Peter on vocals....oh wait thats what were talking about. Too bad the other COB guys can't be on the tour with Alexi. Ha....this is obviously useless rambling but yeah, i love the idea and i WILL see at least ONE show on that tour.
Ok I like the idea of Alexi with Hypocrisy, personally. But a DVD would be a shitty idea because they're not headlining. So it would just suck in all ways possible, period. I just hope the band makes a big live DVD soon. And maybe include a song or two from this tour recorded on its extras.
First post here in the CoB forums. Just wanted to chime in and say Alexi playing with Hypocrisy is an atrocity to true metal.

that may be a ''lil'' harsh.

and I think it pretty funny to see how COB fans are excited to see Laiho touring with Hypocrisy, and how dissapointed are Hypocrisy fans about having Laiho as 2nd guitarist for this tour

it says a lot, really

That's actually a great business idea.
It'll generate more fans for hypocrisy.

for the 10000th times :
Hypocrisy fans are NOT INTERESTED of having new fans if they became fans because they saw Laiho spitting all over the floor during an Hypocrisy gig.
I think this is awesome...I love Hypocrisy live and Alexi with them would make it more interesting. First time I saw either band was at the LA Hob in 2003 on the Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, COB, Hypocrisy tour
don't hypocrisy use 7 strings? he'd have to use another guitar.

I would imagine that he's playing the lead parts, since Peter plays the rhythm ones live. Which means he might not have to worry about the riffs that use the low B. Which in turn means he could just use one of his guitars, but in the appropriate tuning.

Or he could just use one of Peters. We'll have to see.
This may sound silly but I think he shouldn't use a Rhoads shape cause they're a little too showy for being a guest rythm player you know.
Me too, but doesn't Hypocrisy just play with normal 6 string guitars just tuned down to B like Amon Amarth?

It looks like you're right.

ah ok, I was just mislead by a tab, I didn't really have any real evidence behind that lol.
This is surely to influence what kind of stuff Alexi writes for the next COB album, no doubt about that. I can tell I've been listening to Hypocrisy for the past days and then I heard In Your Face, it suddenly felt so cheesy and lame.. It does change you at least temporarily..
This is surely to influence what kind of stuff Alexi writes for the next COB album, no doubt about that. I can tell I've been listening to Hypocrisy for the past days and then I heard In Your Face, it suddenly felt so cheesy and lame.. It does change you at least temporarily..

Well I'm all up for Alexi getting inspiration from Hypocrisy for the next album.
This is surely to influence what kind of stuff Alexi writes for the next COB album, no doubt about that. I can tell I've been listening to Hypocrisy for the past days and then I heard In Your Face, it suddenly felt so cheesy and lame.. It does change you at least temporarily..

This is a good observation. although I hope the Sinergy thing is also true. so Sinergy + Hypocrisy in the next album....hmmm I don't know about that.

on second thought, I really hope Alexi takes influence from the vocals in Hypocrisy and goes back to his old style :D
I don't know what'll finally happen, but sure thing touring with Hypocrisy and with Peter just before starting to write the new album is gonna have some influence on Alexi, in some direction or other. And if as Roope said they're throwing some Sinergy stuff, the mix can turn out to be pretty interesting.