Alexi lyrics

Authentic Metalhead said:
Honestly, I don't listen to the lyrics. He could spouting shit about bestiality and sodomy and I wouldn't even care.

Same here. I for one love his actual voice though, mainly during the Hatebreeder/Follow the Reaper period.
I know someone that complains about how you can't hear what he's saying, but that adds to the awesomeness imo.
Alexi's best voice is in the song Talking of the Trees. It's so original and pure.

His lyrics matured with HCDR and became really interesting with AYDY.
i think best voice is on aydy

and yap i dont really care about the cob lyrics too
i agree with Authentic Metalhead
the best music is on SW and HB

but i think the voice is most developed an aydy
I like his voice most in HB or FTR..but SW and HCDR are also good..and about the lyrics he has OK lyrics..but some lines are just to fucking dumb and gay..specially in "in your face" thats why I don`t like that song too much.
when i first started listening to bodom i couldnt understand a word alexi said and i hated his vocals but after a while i got used to them and can understand most of the shit, i think the aydy voice he uses sucks