Alexi lyrics

:lol: also, maybe he deserves a "san" rather than a "chan"?? Hennka-san :rock:
Anyway, I agree COB is mainly all about music, but ..for me the lyrics are really important too. I completly love them!! They are awesome.
"You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be.
Fuck yeah, that's me, vile and obscene.
Hey, I aint happy about it but at least I don't judge and decree
to be better than another human being."

wow :) thank you alexi
hell_fire said:
and i disagree with those who say that his vocal abilities decreased in the newer albums. i've been listening to cob since the FTR album and his voice has still remained unique and the songs have still remained in a class of their own compared to other metal.

+1 Thank you for clearing that up for all those disgruntled fans who think AYDY sucks. When I first listened to that album, comparisons to metalcore didn't pop up in my mind at all, and I know metalcore.
^ thanks. I know what metalcore is too and CoB's music has nothing to do with metalcore. First of all music wise it has nothing to do with it - its far very far away from even being close to metalcore and the same applies vocally. alexi has unique vocals. :rock:
The lyrics are fuckin awsome but i don't consider it death metal...more like power metal. Lyrics for death would be more deathy, bloody, and stuff like that right? Like Cannibal Corpse or Six Feet Under. My fave song is also IN Your Face..fav verse would be the part where he says "I'll never wait for the pain of death. with a bullet in my gun..." That song is sweet! Alexi is so not an emo!!!!! He's just saying "fuck you! I'll do whatever i want and i don't care what you think"
Agreed! They also write a lot about Bodom and stuff like that too so it can't possibly be death metal. I can understand how Alexi sometimes gets writer's block. I bet since he's written about that "fuck you" stuff a lot. There isn't anymore ideas. I can't believe Kim had to write all the lyrics for Silent night, Bodom night. Maybe the lyrics for the new album will be a bit more different.