Do You Guys Really like Bodom's Lyrics?

Some people don't care for Bodom lyrics and that's why ALexi didn't put the lyrics on Are YOu Dead Yet. Most of the time it sounds like Alexi is saying "ya-yow", but sometimes it's easy to hear him. It sounds like he's putting words on top of each other or cutting them off. Even when you read the lyrics and listen to him, it sounds like a bunch of growling. It's ok though. His vocals are awsome so it doesn't matter.

I love all the lyrics. Each and every one of them are speical. BUt out of all the albums, my favorite lyrics are Kissing the Shadows. It's the only song that's differnt. It isn't about all that hate or what not. When he sings the lyrics, it makes me feel so special like i'm a someone. I wish he'd dedicate them to me. And it sounds like he's singing them for me.