Alexi passed away

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She could do, but I don't think she is singing or involved with music anymore.
Besides, who would she get to do all the lead guitars?

Maybe try to get some finnish guitarists to play solos for the album as a tribute.
Or get Latvala sobered up to play the leads, after all its his music at least some of it
A guy from YouTube said that he was friends with Alexi and that he told him he has been dealing with Anorexia Nervosa since 2015 and that since 2019 it has been getting worse. Obviously I don't know if it's bullshit or not, but the guy seemed to know what he is talking about and the video he posted the comment on was an obscure COB one from a concert in 2019. Also, it seems like the logical explanation if you know some things about the disease. Let me know what you think!
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A guy from YouTube said that he was friends with Alexi and that he told him he has been dealing with Anorexia Nervosa since 2015 and that since 2019 it has been getting worse. Obviously I don't know if it's bullshit or not, but the guy seemed to know what he is talking about and the video he posted the comment on was an obscure COB one from a concert in 2019. Also, it seems like the logical explanation if you know some things about the disease. Let me know what you think!

We don't know it is true or not, but yeah, it seems logical maybe. He was very skinny in 2019.
or it could be due to the ulcers that he was hospitalized for a few years back. because with stomach ulcers you cant really eat much. it could be anorexia but statistically speaking anorexia is much more prevalent among females than males and its hard to picture alexi or someone like him to be battling that. but who knows.
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or it could be due to the ulcers that he was hospitalized for a few years back. because with stomach ulcers you cant really eat much. it could be anorexia but statistically speaking anorexia is much more prevalent among females than males and its hard to picture alexi or someone like him to be battling that. but who knows.

He definitely cared a lot about his appearance. When you drink a lot you compensate the calories by just not eating (if you care about your weight) and it's possible he developed this bad habit. You are also much more likely to have health issues if you drink on empty stomach
He definitely cared a lot about his appearance. When you drink a lot you compensate the calories by just not eating (if you care about your weight) and it's possible he developed this bad habit. You are also much more likely to have health issues if you drink on empty stomach

Yes. I think it was a combo of years and years of alcoholabuse, the ulcers and AN. All these things are interdependant in various ways. 15% of AN patients die due to AN inducted heart attack.
Think he died alone in his home by that and was found some days later. It is tragic and sad af. An interesting fact is also that statistically the risk of an heart attack is highest during the christmas days. The stress of the christmas days, album recording, caring for family in FIN and AUS, new year around the corner, the fucked up coronasituation is also not unimportant. I would be stressed af in that situation. Bad cocktail of stressfactors at that time, especially for such a sick, weak and tired body. All that came together I think.

Still cant believe he is gone. He is Bodom and Bodom is him. Bodom is dead now. It is hard to accept that. I love Bodom since 18 years (whichs is half my life) and have so many great memories that are eternally connected to his music. 2002-2005 were the best years of my life til now. 2002 I discovered Bodom. Was blown away! Life was so great back then.

Hope that there is as much recorded as possible of that announced BAM record. And that the missing parts of Allu could be done by Daniel at some point in the future (in case that everything was written, including lyrics and solos). That would be awesome and a wonderful tribute. I mean: Daniel could manage the guitar work for sure and the vocals too. Yes, it will never sound like Allu, but we would get a chance to get very close to his last work.
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As someone who struggles with alcohol, the news of his passing was a bit of a wake up call for me. I really admired his rockstar party lifestyle and admittedly I romanticized the drug thanks to my metal heroes such as alexi. His passing really helped me take a step back and reconsider my relationship with alcohol.

Alcoholism is a sad part of the metal scene that I feel like isn't discussed enough and certainly isn't taken seriously enough.

One part of alexi's book that really stuck with me was when he talked about his friend tonmi and how alcohol just completely destroyed him in such a short period of time. It's just such a brutal disease that most people don't understand.
He definitely cared a lot about his appearance. When you drink a lot you compensate the calories by just not eating (if you care about your weight) and it's possible he developed this bad habit. You are also much more likely to have health issues if you drink on empty stomach

But he drank less since ~2013.
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Yes. I think it was a combo of years and years of alcoholabuse, the ulcers and AN. All these things are interdependant in various ways. 15% of AN patients die due to heart failure.
Think he died alone in his home by that and was found some days later. It is tragic and sad af.

I doubt he died of anorexia since he was normal weight in his last moments. And heart failure death doesnt come as surprise, its not sudden death. And if he had heart failure he wouldnt have been able to play guitar and scream on stage for 2 hours straight
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I doubt he died of anorexia since he was normal weight in his last moments. And heart failure death doesnt come as surprise, its not sudden death. And if he had heart failure he wouldnt have been able to play guitar and scream on stage for 2 hours straight
I used the wrong word: I meant HEART ATTCK. I will fix this in my post. And in a long term / over time AN can be deadly for sure. It damages your body irreparable.

But he drank less since ~2013.
I know for a fact that Anorexia thing is bullshit.
Man I need to take a break from all the discussions.

I hope I did not hurt you by my thoughts. I guess it is just a part of the human nature to be curious and to want to know it all. Maybe it would be better to stop discussing theories around the circumstances of his death. We will never really know anyways.
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I am still refusing to accept this. This is probably the death (celebrity or otherwise) that is being the hardest to come to terms with. I know this sounds like I am overreacting and I have never even met Alexi (other than going to a couple of CoB shows), and I have had family members pass away, but they were old and dealing with serious illness or so it wasn't unexpected and therefore didn't hit the same way. Heartbreaking.

Like so many others here, Children of Bodom was the band of my teenage years (and I never really grew out of them; I kept coming back and Hexed was such a good, old-school CoB album that I was really looking forward to Bodom After Midnight and whatever was coming next). They were there for me when no one else was: they were my friends through tough times, they kept me company and molded my musical taste and who I am as a person, up to this day. It hurts to know that Alexi won't ever know just how much his music meant to all of us on a personal level, and that I will never tell him that personally.

So young and talented, with so much left to do. RIP Alex.

Something that has been bothering me, though, is how much people have been speculating and gossiping about the cause of death. I know we all want closure, but Alexi was a pretty private person and never really opened up to what kind of illness(es) he had. I doubt he (and his family) would be okay with people discussing something so personal, there is a reason why they didn't want to specify and we should respect that. Just my 2 cents.
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Something that has been bothering me, though, is how much people have been speculating and gossiping about the cause of death.

I should apologize for my words above if they came across as insensitive but that was not my intention. For me, I can't get over how young he was and because of this it's difficult to not be curious what happened. People speculate over deaths that are as surprising and impactful such as this one. It is possible that the details were kept vague because maybe they don't even really know. I'm sincerely sorry though, to anyone who felt hurt by what I said above.
I have just read in an review for Alexis autobiography that he and the other CoB members only cumminicated via attorneys with eachother after the split up and that both sides were not allowed to reveal details about the split up. Is that true? If yes: everything is even more sad! The review was pretty long, well written, detailed and the reviewer seemed to know a lot. He mentioned some things that he says he knows and that were not written in the biography....
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