Alexi passed away

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Yeah, the last years Jaska definitely stepped up and became more active and extroverted. He also appears to have a healthy personality and like the guy who would get along with everyone else in the band regardless of what was going on. It's hard to tell how the relationship with everyone else was. There wasn't a whole lot of spontaneous interaction between them on stage. I do like that video though, is it Everytime I Die during Metal Alliance? where at the end Roope goes off script and goes batshit crazy with his little solo, Janne eggs him on, and Alexi turns around surprised and amused. They needed more of that instead of going strictly by the numbers, given how much touring they did.
That ego thing was just Roopes sad excuse. Laiho tells in his autobiography that they had to kick Roope out because his alcoholism was so severe. He skipped many band rehearsals and arrived to studio almost 2 weeks late and in such bad condition that he couldn't play any of the riffs he was supposed to. Laiho tells there is recorded evidence of this aswell. So all the guys decided they had to kick Roope out and it didn't have anything to do with Laiho's ego.
Its classic behaviour for an addict to blame others and not to admit you have a huge problem yourself.

Not sure if we ever know what the whole thing with Roope's firing was all about. Roope has denied Alexi's version. Someone else I believe has come out to support Alexi's version. But it doesn't have to be an either/or thing. That Alexi developed an ego over time is pretty clear. Roope also came across as the least enthusiastic guy in the band. So there's probably some truth in both versions.
I hate to speculate, but do you think the guys were mad at Alexi for not taking care of himself or something?

There is no way, that's such an immature look at things if true. That would like being mad at your friend for having cancer. Alcoholism is a disease like any other, not like it was alexi's choice.
Did any of the old band members not post condolences for alexi's passing? besides roope, cause im pretty sure he didnt. anyone else?
I don't think they were in that bad with Alexi I mean there's Alexi's birthday Q&A

Ah man this one is so sad. When asked about whiskey jaska says something like "do you still drink whiskey...these days I mean?". What does he mean by that? And jaska is completely ignoring the comments asking why alexi is so skinny, I remember that stream and every second question was that. Jaska must have known that alexi was very sick, just heartbreaking watching this again.
^^Alcoholism being a disease is like saying depression is an illness. Some drink heavily in emotional response to circumstances, while some are depressed by circumstances. Calling it either a sickness in itself if it isn't a chemical addiction or imbalance is not good because it removes responsibility from the person. Both conditions become a sickness, where one should do everything possible to change his circumstances and improve his holistic well-being, but to do this one must first understand how. Sometimes medication is necessary to help, and therapy is always recommended. There's always hope, at least when there's some wise guidance. Sometimes it's a real chemical disease, sometimes more psychological.

Oh and rabber_335i of course you need to want to live sober and find how to be satisfied in life to find that high from other things. Spirituality, nature, art, nutrition, the whole holistic thing, find your purpose, etc, that's where the hope is.

I knew that day would come, I always felt somehow Alexi wasn't going to live to his fifties, he just gave all to that music and rock lifestyle and he knew no other life until recently. And just when I was remembering some lost friendships this happened, it's really weird and sad when the voice of such a creative wild spirit suddenly falls silent for the rest of our lives. Memories come and many of us have surely changed since getting into Bodom (at least I have), and we realize the dark enchanting energy Alexi discovered in his deep musical meditations gave us strength to carry thru some phase in our lives.

My next post (nr 10 k) will be my last here, and the one where I'll let you listen to my new album which I think would never have been born without discovering Follow the Reaper over twenty years ago, and the songs are unbelievably wicked so it's all good, just got to do the last one... the bitter-sweet circle of life.
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^^Alcoholism being a disease is like saying depression is an illness. Some drink heavily in emotional response to circumstances, while some are depressed by circumstances. Calling it either a sickness in itself if it isn't a chemical addiction or imbalance is not good because it removes responsibility from the person. Both conditions become a sickness, where one should do everything possible to change his circumstances and improve his holistic well-being, but to do this one must first understand how. Sometimes medication is necessary to help, and therapy is always recommended. There's always hope, at least when there's some wise guidance.

I dunno man, I think from the first time I ever got drunk, I was forever doomed. It affected me in a profound way, I instantly felt alive for the first time in my life at 17 years old. What I just said should have been the biggest red flag of all time, but I was obviously too immature to realize it at the time. No other drug or experience could ever top the bliss that alcohol gave me. The genie was out of the bottle now, I couldn't go back in time. I am only now just coming to terms with how dangerous this substance is for me.

It's really easy to just say "17 year old me should have never gotten addicted in the first place" but it's not a concept I could even comprehend at the time.

It's difficult to explain this to someone who has not experienced the addiction first hand. It's like when you're drunk, you are wishing you were sober, but every waking sober moment you want to be drunk. That itch never goes away. And it makes you turn on yourself, twists your brain in inexplainable ways. The only way people get sober is if they really want to (like REALLY want to) - no amount of friends, resources, pressure, etc are going to help push someone to quit. They have to want it themselves. For alexi, and like a lot of people, the wake up call usually happens with a bad doctor's visit.

So yeah I do think alcoholism is a disease. Some people literally cannot stop. To me, life does not even feel worth living without alcohol, so how am I ever supposed to quit and stay quit? Being sober is a miserable existence. I was sober for an entire year and it was fucking horrendous.

Alexi clearly understood he had a problem, and I believe he did the best he could for himself. The fact that he was able to stop drinking on tour blew my mind, that would have taken HUGE willpower. Just quitting drinking would have been hard, now imagine trying to put on a bodom show at the same time.
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Oh and rabber_335i of course you need to want to live sober and find how to be satisfied in life to find that high from other things. Spirituality, nature, art, nutrition, the whole holistic thing, find your purpose, etc, that's where the hope is.

Yeah man but what I was basically trying to say is that alcohol robs you of this ability, nothing else will ever give you that level of satisfaction. There is a clear point of no return. Consider that fact that alexi basically wrote and performed intoxicated the entire time, how is he supposed to suddenly do this and feel fulfillment while sober, when his brain has literally been rewired by alcohol?

Just my pessimistic view on the topic, but from talking to a lot of other alcoholics, some people seem to just be affected by it in an unbeatable way, and I believe alexi had this problem.
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Yeah, the last years Jaska definitely stepped up and became more active and extroverted. He also appears to have a healthy personality and like the guy who would get along with everyone else in the band regardless of what was going on. It's hard to tell how the relationship with everyone else was. There wasn't a whole lot of spontaneous interaction between them on stage. I do like that video though, is it Everytime I Die during Metal Alliance? where at the end Roope goes off script and goes batshit crazy with his little solo, Janne eggs him on, and Alexi turns around surprised and amused. They needed more of that instead of going strictly by the numbers, given how much touring they did.
Ohh i really love this Roope goes crazy solo things :D
You mean this one:

Or Roopes first Gig with COB
killeri licki :D

That Guy is a monster on the Guitar. Should just quit the Booze
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There is no way, that's such an immature look at things if true. That would like being mad at your friend for having cancer. Alcoholism is a disease like any other, not like it was alexi's choice.

I can tell you they where mad at him for not looking after himself and consistently tried to get him into rehab since the recording of blooddrunk. Of course everyone is devastated by what has happened but none of them are surprised sadly
Anssi Kippo, google translate:

" Alexi Laiho immediately impressed producer Anssi Kippo. "
" - In Alexi, I especially miss the extremely clever tangles and remarks that only a few people make. Alexi knew how to look at things from a pleasingly different tip, producer Kippo describes Laiho.

- It may take a long time before his departure is understood.

Kippo describes Laiho as a rogue in the corner of his eye with a sharp comment on any situation.

- He lit the room and could, in one word, blow others up with a laugh.

Laiho and Kippo had been texting just a few weeks ago and talking about how nice it would be to meet for a long time.

- We could have been without contact for several years, and when we were in contact, we continued where we were last time. Alexi was supposed to come here to Lappeenranta now at the beginning of the year, and we had already looked at suitable dates. "

" - I vividly remember our first joint session and how I thought it would be cool if I could do more of this kind of music with these guys. The band's name at the time was still IneartheD. Their attitude towards music was very exceptional and they stood out positively from all the others.

" - Alexi and I called ourselves cheerleaders. There are a lot of differences between the other bands, but in Bodom, all the members of the band were very relaxed and got along great. We often laughed until the morning. Even if there were bad dreams down the road, no one would almost ever have a nerve. Meininki was very exceptional in every way.

- Alexi was really dedicated and did not agree to compromises, let alone choose an easy shortcut. He trained a lot, wanted to become the best guitarist in the world and was ready to do all the work it required. "


And... Anssi wrote a blog about HCDR.

" The release of the album Hate Crew Deathroll turned 18 on January 6, 2021. I am writing these forewords with a heavy heart, because a couple of days ago I heard my friend, Children Of Bodom singer-guitarist Alexi Laiho, leave us. We did three great Bodom albums and in total there were thirty joint recording sessions. In addition to those, we did numerous gigs when I toured mixing Children Of Bodom around the world in 1998–2002. In honor of adulthood, I’ll tell you 18 things about the recordings on Children Of Bodom’s Hate Crew Deathroll album. "
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Good to see you man! I'm looking forward to your album.

Reading through the discussion on alcoholism, were it really that bad with Alexi?

Also, it's sad to think that they probably split up on not the best terms, and that there are probably a lot of things left unsaid between them.
When they split I always thought that someday they would reunite, maybe only for a few shows, but that it wasn't the last time they played together. Sadly it was.
After so many years together, playing and bonding like brothers maybe they don't even need to clear the air, they know the love is there between them underneath it all. At least that's what I want to believe.
My thoughts are with them.
Did any of the old band members not post condolences for alexi's passing? besides roope, cause im pretty sure he didnt. anyone else?
Janne simply wrote RIP with a Foto.

Jaska and Henkka wrote much more. Don't know if it means anything that Janne didn't post more. But it definitely surprised me.
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^^Alcoholism being a disease is like saying depression is an illness. Some drink heavily in emotional response to circumstances, while some are depressed by circumstances. Calling it either a sickness in itself if it isn't a chemical addiction or imbalance is not good because it removes responsibility from the person. Both conditions become a sickness, where one should do everything possible to change his circumstances and improve his holistic well-being, but to do this one must first understand how. Sometimes medication is necessary to help, and therapy is always recommended. There's always hope, at least when there's some wise guidance. Sometimes it's a real chemical disease, sometimes more psychological.

Oh and rabber_335i of course you need to want to live sober and find how to be satisfied in life to find that high from other things. Spirituality, nature, art, nutrition, the whole holistic thing, find your purpose, etc, that's where the hope is.

I knew that day would come, I always felt somehow Alexi wasn't going to live to his fifties, he just gave all to that music and rock lifestyle and he knew no other life until recently. And just when I was remembering some lost friendships this happened, it's really weird and sad when the voice of such a creative wild spirit suddenly falls silent for the rest of our lives. Memories come and many of us have surely changed since getting into Bodom (at least I have), and we realize the dark enchanting energy Alexi discovered in his deep musical meditations gave us strength to carry thru some phase in our lives.

My next post (nr 10 k) will be my last here, and the one where I'll let you listen to my new album which I think would never have been born without discovering Follow the Reaper over twenty years ago, and the songs are unbelievably wicked so it's all good, just got to do the last one... the bitter-sweet circle of life.

Yet another spooky thing. Alexi dies when the person with the most posts on to band forum is about to hit 10k posts.

I'm usually the last person who gives a shit about supernatural things, but there are quite a few very weird things that happened together with his death.
I started reading through the lyrics from RRF and onwards. It's now painfully clear to me that something happened around 2011-12 and he was diagnosed with something. As I analyse his lyrics it's as if sometimes his 'i' character has a blade and is kind of Roy the Reaper like, and other times its as if he's writing from his own perspective.
He knew he was going to die and he actually told us. Look at "Your days are numbered".

RRF lyrics are more in denial, and kind of 'fuck you', but HoB is more real. Its also way darker. Like i would probably have a piss poor mood if i were told i wouldnt see 50.
A 'Halo of Blood' is what you see when you puke blood into a toilet.

Other songs on later albums are even more obvious. 'Soon departed', 'under grass and clover' just to name a few.

He also tried to silence the assholes on the internet always saying: "Alexi look so sick and thin, he should eat a burger." On 'Hold your tongue'.

Also as an extra, its my fair guess that during the recording of 'Bodom Blue Moon (the second coming)' Alexi and Kim G hooked back up again, if only for a few bangs. Thats how i interpret 'Dead mans hand on you'. They so did it!

Theres multiple songs about how Alexi will transcend this world and reap and roll in the afterlife. And as i interpret he believed in an afterlife.

I'm still struggling not to cry.
Yet another spooky thing. Alexi dies when the person with the most posts on to band forum is about to hit 10k posts.

I'm usually the last person who gives a shit about supernatural things, but there are quite a few very weird things that happened together with his death.

Joonas, go delete a bunch of posts, we can get him back!
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I started reading through the lyrics from RRF and onwards. It's now painfully clear to me that something happened around 2011-12 and he was diagnosed with something. As I analyse his lyrics it's as if sometimes his 'i' character has a blade and is kind of Roy the Reaper like, and other times its as if he's writing from his own perspective.
He knew he was going to die and he actually told us. Look at "Your days are numbered".

RRF lyrics are more in denial, and kind of 'fuck you', but HoB is more real. Its also way darker. Like i would probably have a piss poor mood if i were told i wouldnt see 50.
A 'Halo of Blood' is what you see when you puke blood into a toilet.

Other songs on later albums are even more obvious. 'Soon departed', 'under grass and clover' just to name a few.

He also tried to silence the assholes on the internet always saying: "Alexi look so sick and thin, he should eat a burger." On 'Hold your tongue'.

Also as an extra, its my fair guess that during the recording of 'Bodom Blue Moon (the second coming)' Alexi and Kim G hooked back up again, if only for a few bangs. Thats how i interpret 'Dead mans hand on you'. They so did it!

Theres multiple songs about how Alexi will transcend this world and reap and roll in the afterlife. And as i interpret he believed in an afterlife.

I'm still struggling not to cry.
I think that's quite a stretch
I started reading through the lyrics from RRF and onwards. It's now painfully clear to me that something happened around 2011-12 and he was diagnosed with something. As I analyse his lyrics it's as if sometimes his 'i' character has a blade and is kind of Roy the Reaper like, and other times its as if he's writing from his own perspective.
He knew he was going to die and he actually told us. Look at "Your days are numbered".

RRF lyrics are more in denial, and kind of 'fuck you', but HoB is more real. Its also way darker. Like i would probably have a piss poor mood if i were told i wouldnt see 50.
A 'Halo of Blood' is what you see when you puke blood into a toilet.

Other songs on later albums are even more obvious. 'Soon departed', 'under grass and clover' just to name a few.

He also tried to silence the assholes on the internet always saying: "Alexi look so sick and thin, he should eat a burger." On 'Hold your tongue'.

Theres multiple songs about how Alexi will transcend this world and reap and roll in the afterlife. And as i interpret he believed in an afterlife.

I'm still struggling not to cry.

Interesting. Like he was going through the stages of grief with his lyrics over the years.
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