alexi tone down vocals?


Nov 17, 2005
do you think bodom would be better overall if the vocals were toned down a notch like in "angels dont kill"? where you can actually understand what hes saying? or not? i know they would definately sell way more records. what do you think?
Why the fuck is there one topic on the subject, then all of a sudden newbs just start posting the same topic?
BucketBanger9000 said:
Why the fuck is there one topic on the subject, then all of a sudden newbs just start posting the same topic?
hey at least on-topic isnt dead anymore
Fuckin alexi,he has done the vocals just beacuse they cant find anyone else and simply dont want too.He sux,he has no depth or range.he sticks to the same basic shit,theres no feel to his voice and it is lack luster