Alexi Slacking??

Jari just blows me away. He is an amazing musician and composer. Ensiferum really aren't Ensiferum without him, and their recently released EP doesn't even come close to touching their other songs with Jari. I can't wait for Wintersun's next album 'Time' to come out...I think it's coming this October. It will be wicked.
i both styles too and i remember watching a live vid and they dubbed over and i was like woow it was like watcjhing a chinese movie
j0tun said:
Jari just blows me away. He is an amazing musician and composer. Ensiferum really aren't Ensiferum without him, and their recently released EP doesn't even come close to touching their other songs with Jari. I can't wait for Wintersun's next album 'Time' to come out...I think it's coming this October. It will be wicked.
dude, dragonheads is awesome.... its a bit different, yeah, but its still awesome.. i fucking like it