ok...i need the real scoopage, and some serious help. i am probably going to sell my 2 current guitars, (amerian-made Kramer w/floy rose and white trim, w/ 2 charvel single coils and a seymour duncan humbucker, it has a little swtich thing that was linked to the duncan but was cut off, i'm gonna try and put it back on sometime), and an old dean firecrackle w/ a dropped in seymour duncan rails series, i'm not sure which one, but that pickup alone is round 100 bucks. it also has gotten all new electronics proff. put in couple years ago. i'm not sure how much i could sell these for, but it would get me started for money on a new guitar.
i REALLY want a kickass offset v guitar. first i was looking at the rr5 and the us alexi laihos....but as i said before rr5 only has 22 frets and no trem. also i've heard the disgust from u guys about the us alexis. so now i'm looking at the edwards in japan. they are totally kickass, and the same price, even less then the us alexi's and the rr5. it also has the colors i really want, (the black w/white pinstripe/chrome parts, and the black w/white pinstripe and gold parts). are these any good? they seem pretty kickass...but how is the pickup? and it only has 1 pickup, how has that effected u guys that have guitars w/ 1 pickup? how much would it cost to have another pickup slot put in, if possible? if you guys have other guitar suggestions that would help me out a lot. i really need a kickass main guitar, my guitar teacher said to have 1 awesome guitar then 2 alright ones. thx for the help!!!