OK, this is the "end all post" of their equipment, this is gathered from information, various interviews and pictures.
Something Wild:
Alexi:Custom Shop jackson w/ jackson active preamps (je 1000 into j50bc humbuckers) into Peavey 5150 or lee jackson preamps into variuos heads and cabs (marshall). kim also said once that his humbucker was a custom one made for a member of anthrax???
Ale:Custom Shop jackson soloist w/ what seems to be jackson electronics or gibby pups! Marshall Amps??
Alexi:Same setup except more dialed in sound, lee jackson preamps into variuos power amps and cabs.
Follow the Reaper:
All: possibly the same, except maybe EMGs into their guitars now, or tech 21 PSA preamps or maybe even jmps. Engl or VHT power amps into various cabs. Maybe throw in some various rocktron rack units (ie. hush).