Alexi's guitars


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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Man, its so sad that he had his Jacksons stolen. Its bullshit that they now use ESP's. Everybody and their mothers use esp's. Hopefully, once COB gets off the road, Alexi can get some Jacksons again!
hey, dont jump on him like that man. he has a valid point about everyone using ESP's...both Jackson and ESP rule yeah..but i mean...I know that getting $$$ from a guitar company helps, but what your saying is "Hey, Jackson didnt give him any money. Fuck Jackson." When in fact, you're missing the point. Playing guitar is about playing guitar. It's not about playing, then wailing because you're not getting any money. Some would beg to differ. Sure, Id love cash too, but it wouldnt be first on my mind , making music would be. But since im not in that kind of a situation, I dont know. I could take the money, or I could pass it up. Who knows...who cares. Just cut the guy some slack.
This is pointless... If he would turn onto Stratos what would you do? He wouldnt cuz the ESP are very good guitars, like Dave Mustaine said after asking why did he turned on ESP... "Just try to play on their guitars youll understand why"
In the next issue of Guitar World tehre will be an article on Alexi and his guitars.. So check it out..

OOooow, i just hope Steve420 doesn't see this.. Cause he'll probably say i'm 'plugging' again.. :Spin: :wave:
No, I don't care about that.

I agree with needled. I've played several guitars and I love ESp's... I'm saving up to get some type of ESP bas, since I'm playing bass ina my band now.
Mammoth said:
OK missed this!! What happened??

OK, let me explain :D

Some time ago, cant tell accuratly, cob was on gig, and some bastard stole Alexis Jackson, the RR1 L/L model. We may say that Latvala/Laiho model was his sig. one, but sure it wasnt official. Alexi had an endorsement deal with Jackson, but he lost it somewhere, and while Fender bought Jackson Co. he would haev to wait more then a year for a new L/L model. That time ESP offered sig. models to all of Cob members, and they turned on that one. Rest is well known to you I think.
I might be going out on a limb here but isn't his new ESP gigantic HUGE? It looks like poor Alexi's shrunk!! Same measurements? Where was the guitar stolen? Some ass stole Richie Blackmores guitar, he later found it in a shop, mind you in the same fucking city(!!), threatened to wrench the guys dick off, (well not really but it makes for great reading doesn't it?). I mean if some turd-for-brains steals it you will probably find it in a shop, in the same city or at least one adjesent to it or on E-bay??

This is great info guys glad to see that the off-topic board is getting all the prepube spamming now! :lol:
Hmm. Some thoughts on the topic...

So, what's this about Jackson not giving Alexi a guitar? I mean, who would just give a guitar to a guy whose band has only recorded demos? 'Cause you know, He had a guitar then, so he didn't have to try to get any endorsement. And then, when his guitars got stolen (which was waaaaayy long ago, btw) I guess he asked Jackson about endorsement and I guess he would have gotten it, but then the FUCKING FENDER bought Jackson and things got fucked up again. So, I'm pretty sure ESP heard about this and thought it was their opportunity, so they offered endorsement deal to CoB.

Oh and one thing about those sig. models. Am I wrong or did Jackson have some Laiho/Latvala sig. model. RR-LL or sg like that.......????
Alexi's guitars were stolen after Spinefeast (annual gig to celebrate Spinefarm's 'birthday') 28.9.2002. They played with Throne of Chaos, Norther and Ensiferum.

From an interview :

KF : Where did it actually happen? After Nosturi gig.. was it in September or what?

Alexi : Yup. After the Nosturi gig from our training place. It's just something incomprehensible.
We had a party there, of course, so there were some extra people.. Some fucking faggot just decided to stole them..
Those Jackson RR-LLs kinda suck.. bolt on, rosewood fretboard, duncan design humbucker, no binding.. but it looks cool with the gold hardware and the yellow bevels