Alexi's guitars

Yeah Barr Child is right, the usuall Jacson RR1 L/L had really not much in common with Alexis one. It was even regular 22 frets I think. It looked similar to Alexi's one but the electronics were different I think. Someone could give some right info again, cuz Im not sure if Im talking right :D
OK, I realize that I'm going to sound like I have the brain capacity of half a butt-slugg but... The Jackson he used in Stockholm this year was a RR model?! Why whine about a 22-fret bolt on? Ok granted that it is really mean to steal from Laiho. Is this the guitar he used for Sinergy with Roope? In his instructional vid? Only 49 made with bolt on necks? WTF was Jackson thinking? Man I just don't get it!!! FILL ME IN HERE!! And seriously what kind of demented fucking retard would steal the guitar from the band they just saw, especially poor Laiho!

*Gets confused, brain seizures and Mammoth slams into his keyboard spelling out "jn58y9othk" with his now bruised forehead, unconcious he dreams of never ending solos and ponders the meaning of the thread "Alex's guitars" which he last visited*

As far as I know, which I don't even know if I am right. Alexi bought his Jackson RR model in a 2nd hand shop. It was a custom shop RR with 24 frets and neck through and had a single active output Jackson pickup. This is nothing like the RR-LL that Jackson put out. Alexi was under an endorsement deal by Jackson and so was Roope, but when Alexi lost his guitar, Jackson had been bought by Fender which apparently promised to leave the custom shop alone. But as much as they promised, I think they started fucking around with it causing a few artists to break away from Jackson such as Scott Ian, Dave Mustaine, Alexi Laiho, Marty Friedman and so on. Alexi would have stayed with Jackson but unfortunately they weren't going to make Alexi another custom model to his specifications until another year, due to some liability issues that Fender/Jackson was having.

I don't mind that Alexi has gone to ESP. ESP Japan makes superb guitars and since Alexi is under endorsement with them, his guitars would be awesome. I have a few complaints about ESP kinda taking the RR shape that Jackson is famous for and making it...Bigger? and the EMG-HZ pickup which is fucking terrible.
BodomiC said:
Yeah Barr Child is right, the usuall Jacson RR1 L/L had really not much in common with Alexis one. It was even regular 22 frets I think. It looked similar to Alexi's one but the electronics were different I think. Someone could give some right info again, cuz Im not sure if Im talking right :D

no it has 24 frets :) also just one volume button.. I don't know if it has a gain boost
actually i dont see what the big deal is i mean the sound of cob has not changed what so ever so why do ppl make a big fuss about esp or jackson..... who cares if everyone uses ESP
i heard the guitars sound terrible now if you compare with when they played jackson..

thilo said that he played on marshall now to..
slaesh said:
i heard the guitars sound terrible now if you compare with when they played jackson..

And that's a fact.

Since I'm not a guitarist, I didn't notice it at all in the beginning, but when a guitarist friend of mine first heard some of the new bootlegs, he mentioned that the guitars sound terrible. That's when I started to listen to them more carefully and noticed it, too.
On the summerbreeze they played Marshall amps! Maybe Alexi has a deal with marshall now! His sound now is very High-Gain with much treble. I can not say if the sound is better, but on the summerbreeze the sound were terrible! BUT everybody could hear the solos, so it doesn't matter for me, hehe!

The RR-LL has the JE-1000 gainboost and the J-50bc Pickup, but a bolt-on-neck :Puke:

And bodomite: we cannot hear weather the sound changed because on HCDR they still played Jackson-Gits! Only live, but it's hard to hear that IMO
on the summerbreeze the sound was terrible because of a sound problem not any new amp or something else.
In fact i heard they arrived late and they didnt have time to check everything.
And i saw Henkka made some signs to the sound engineer sometimes.
btw it was a great gig as usual with COB :)
They started 30 minutes later, so they had time to check everything! Roope himself was on stage to help with Alexis amp before the gig started! Yes, there were technical problems, but only with Alexis amp! AND they changed the amp a few minutes later, so....
Maybe they had to use the Marshallamps because their racks were dissapered, I don't know!

And the signs Henkka gave, were signs to the monitor-mixer to turn the monitor up or down...
This hightech mumbo-jumbo zips bye me but I do know what I see. *Grabs the stick and walks towards the dead horse*
The Esp is FUCKING HUGE! Poor alexi, that is probably why his ribbs are hurting, loggin' around basically half a tree around his neck! Be thankful he didn't get endorsed by KRAMER! :lol:
i think most people have something against ESP as they like to totally rip you off for low end guitars, i imagine if you pay a much higher price you get quality gear (dave mustaine and alexi laiho models for example) i mean i scowled when i found out they were usin ESPs but i guess if they like the way they play n sound fair enough to em