Alice in Chains


Dec 8, 2005
Hey all,

any AiC fans out there?
I didn't find a thread about Alice, but I'm pretty sure that some of you here have some thoughts to share about this great band!

discuss away!
I'll ask a first question:
Do any of you think Layne is replaceable?
I'll say it again for the hundreth time since he died...There is a guy that was in a band named Hajis Kitchen that sounds exactly like Layne. He was aslo on James Murphy's(Convergence)first solo album. No, Layne is not replaceable to me, but I wonder if they knew of this guy....Eddie Ellis
I feel you man.
I'm getting a tattoo of layne on my chest soon!
What's your fave album?
Personally, I love Facelift since it was the first album I owned and it has so many fucking killer tracks on it.
yeah, you could really feel layne's emotion on that one.
@ramses: I've never heard of that guy, but I'll definetly check out some of his stuff.
I hate it when people say Dirt isn't their best album just because it's got most of their hits on it. The reason it had so many hits was because the songwriting was fuckin' fantastic. Dirt is one of the most emotional, heavy, epic records ever.
They're a band that didn't put out a bad album. I like Sap the best. I guess full length album, it's Dirt. Favorite albums, in order
Sap-Right Turn
Dirt-Damn That River
Jar of Flies-Nutshell
Alice In Chains-Frogs
Facelift-Sea of Sorrow
We've dicussed their greatness recently.... I think it was in some grunge thread.

Anyway I love AIC. One of my favorite bands. If I heard them for the first time today they would probably be too soft but back when I first listened to them they blew my fuckin' mind. It's also pretty amazing how they could do both coffee house folk stuff and 80s-style boderline metal. Plus grunge and proto-nu-metal.

I can't wait for their new album to come out. But I wish they would have gotten someone better than William Duvall. No offense to the guy but he is about 180 degrees away from the sound I want Alice to have. He sounds all glam like he's Sebastian Bach. I like Sebastian Bach but I think it's an extremely generic sound compared to what Alice In Chains should be doing. Like Ramses said, they could have found someone who sounds exactly like Layne or at least someone who kinda sounds like him. Layne was a grunge singer, Duvall has zero roughness in his voice. The new album might be pretty sick musically but it runs a high risk of sounding like Kiss since Duvall's at the helm.
What is this the 5th AIC thread? I'll join in cause I'm bored as shit...
My favorite album is Dirt but Jar of Flies is a close second. Those two albums in particular just go to show how diverse they are as a band. ALSO,
for the 100th time, Cantrell is an underrated guitarist.
I think the search function is busted, keeps telling me there's a 4 word minimum for thread title searches. I'll try to merge this when I can.

Yes AIC = very good band, Dirt is great. Not holding any great hope for a good new album though. They should call the band something else imo.
Yeah, the search function kept telling me there's a 4 word minimum search, so I just opened the thread.
I think Duvall's a decent singer, but not for Alice.
They should definetly change their name, out of respect to Layne.
But I'm looking forward to the new album nevertheless, it's gonna crush.
Probably my favorite band. Their best is the self-titled but all of their albums are just about perfect imo.

I do think Jerry Cantrell is a worthy replacement for Layne Staley and I think the band can carry on with just him.
great band! dirt is one of the best albums of the 90's and one of the greatest hard rock albums ever.

np: Nutshell