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I'm impressed. I couldn't find a thread already on this and considering I do this a lot (start off discussions) and I recently joined this place....then it must be fate hehe.
So anyway I would very much like to hear what people's thoguhts are on this subject. Obviously though each person's point of view can only be based on what they know about it but It's still good to ponder on it.
I've been involved with this subject for about 12years now and have come to learn a lot of things which sadly are just not common knowledge.

Have you heard of the idea that Earth has been invaded by a lizard race who disguise themselves as humans and who are in important ruling positions? They are the same thing as the Illuminati, I think. And its got a lot to do with Freemasonry, in this theory. The aliens called "grays" are working for the lizard aliens. They are enemies of humans and they are supposedly trying to gradually alter the Earth's environment (global warming) to suit them better.
I mostly don't believe all this, but it is fun and I do have an open mind, so...!
If anyone else likes this sort of thing, check out and you won't be disappointed!
Tell us about the things you know that are not common knowledge Slaindreamer.
I'm a Star Trek fan, a Stargate fan and a little bit Star Wars fan, so I do think there could be other life out there. I strongly hope to meet a Vulcan, a Klingon and a Jedi someday :)
Of course I believe there is life on other planets. If there's life here, why wouldn't there be any anywhere else? Whether we have made contact with it or not is another question. I believe it's possible and there is enough evidence, sightings, etc, to support the idea. But we still don't have any concrete proof. Unless you can point something out to us, Slaindreamer.
let's just do some math.

5% of the stars possess planets around them.

Our galaxy contains billions of stars.

There are billions of galaxies.

So huh... I think we got our answer here. Simple logic triumphs again.
Yes. There are aliens. AsModEe just told why. Most likely humans will never meet them.
Yes. There are UFO's. As in Unidentified Flying Objects.

Are UFO's extra-terrestial spacecraft that are flown by aliens? I don't think so. I've been semi-interested on the subject for sometime, but I haven't seen any proof convincing enough that would point that there are visitors on earth. Most "ufo-investigators" have a tendency to be very biased and eager to believe and therefore they often take the simplest things as a "proof". (e.g. I watched a documentary about the Shag Harbour case, where a big deal was made about "UFO" text on some official paper as a confirmed notion that the sighting was a spacecraft, like they just forgot what the acronym actually stands for.) I personally see UFO's and alien conspiracies as a conspiracy theory that has gone a step too far into paranoia, although I have an open mind, if convincing evidence is brought up.

Norsemaiden mentioned the lizard race / illuminati thing. That is btw. one of the most hilarious conspiracy theories I've ever read. It's just so far out. David Icke should go into comedy (or to a therapist).
Voice of God said:
Yes. There are aliens. AsModEe just told why. Most likely humans will never meet them.
Yes. There are UFO's. As in Unidentified Flying Objects.

Are UFO's extra-terrestial spacecraft that are flown by aliens? I don't think so. I've been semi-interested on the subject for sometime, but I haven't seen any proof convincing enough that would point that there are visitors on earth. Most "ufo-investigators" have a tendency to be very biased and eager to believe and therefore they often take the simplest things as a "proof". (e.g. I watched a documentary about the Shag Harbour case, where a big deal was made about "UFO" text on some official paper as a confirmed notion that the sighting was a spacecraft, like they just forgot what the acronym actually stands for.) I personally see UFO's and alien conspiracies as a conspiracy theory that has gone a step too far into paranoia, although I have an open mind, if convincing evidence is brought up.

Norsemaiden mentioned the lizard race / illuminati thing. That is btw. one of the most hilarious conspiracy theories I've ever read. It's just so far out. David Icke should go into comedy (or to a therapist).

I agree with you on almost every point Voice of God.

Thread starter, you mentioned you have learned alot about the subject: just what have you learned?
there are obviously no gay people typing on this forum, and subsequently the homosexual thread turned into total fucking crap
there are obviously no black people on this forum, and subsequentialy all the racial threads turned into crap
this is going to happen to this thread unless somebody flat-out admits to having been abducted
I'm pretty sure there are other lifeforms out there, but I doubt they've ever been to this planet. We are an extremely tiny dot in the middle of infinity, almost like trying to find a particular grain of sand in the Sahara, but worse. Also, for aliens to travel here, they'd probably have to go way faster than the speed of light, unless they were some sort of traveling colony that enjoyed eternal drives. As far as we know right now, traveling at light-speed may be impossible, due to light being one of the fastest things known to man and a light based engine would never be perfect machine (thus never achieving true light speed).

However, just as its possible for humans to exist, it is also just as possible for life NOT to exist anywhere else. You are not being open minded if you think that it's a guarantee the aliens exist. Logical assumptions have lead us wrong in the past.
AsModEe said:
let's just do some math.

5% of the stars possess planets around them.

Our galaxy contains billions of stars.

There are billions of galaxies.

So huh... I think we got our answer here. Simple logic triumphs again.
I agree for the same reasons. It's absurd to believe humanity is the only intelligent life in the universe.
Final_Product said:
Being a Christian would you believe God also created said aliens?
what if the christian god IS an alien??? i saw a history channel show that said the whole old testament is crammed full of references to aliens coming to earth and people simply atributed the incidences to "god" because the christian god says "thou shalt worship no other deity other than me"
I only asked because the Christian belief is that God created everything, and that would (presumably) include any other inhabited planets. I was curious as to what problems this may raise if said inhabited planets had no such religious structure as Christiainity?

I'm also pretty open to the idea of aliens (HELL, I'm a genuine sci-fi freak) but I seriously doubt the vast majority of conspiracy theories regarding the subject. Roswell etc are obviously grey areas, but I'm not quite as eager to jump to the "IT WAS ALIENS!" conclusion as many folks are.

There is a great deal of discussion in the book (that everyone needs to buy dammit!) By David Jay Brown called "conversations on the edge of the apocolypse", regarding this topic.
Final_Product said:
I only asked because the Christian belief is that God created everything, and that would (presumably) include any other inhabited planets. I was curious as to what problems this may raise if said inhabited planets had no such religious structure as Christiainity?

I'm also pretty open to the idea of aliens (HELL, I'm a genuine sci-fi freak) but I seriously doubt the vast majority of conspiracy theories regarding the subject. Roswell etc are obviously grey areas, but I'm not quite as eager to jump to the "IT WAS ALIENS!" conclusion as many folks are.

There is a great deal of discussion in the book (that everyone needs to buy dammit!) By David Jay Brown called "conversations on the edge of the apocolypse", regarding this topic.
most people are only able to believe in aliens OR god but not both because supposedly if aliens existed, and the bible was real, then aliens would have been mentioned in the Bible, therefore either aliens or the bible is fake
Final_Product said:
I only asked because the Christian belief is that God created everything, and that would (presumably) include any other inhabited planets. I was curious as to what problems this may raise if said inhabited planets had no such religious structure as Christiainity?

I'm also pretty open to the idea of aliens (HELL, I'm a genuine sci-fi freak) but I seriously doubt the vast majority of conspiracy theories regarding the subject. Roswell etc are obviously grey areas, but I'm not quite as eager to jump to the "IT WAS ALIENS!" conclusion as many folks are.

There is a great deal of discussion in the book (that everyone needs to buy dammit!) By David Jay Brown called "conversations on the edge of the apocolypse", regarding this topic.

Well, obviously a Christian would have to deny the existence of aliens, or, spread the Good News on the alien planet.

There are so many logical flaws to Christianity, as there are to every philosophical and religious system, that questions like these, point out the abursdity.
most people are only able to believe in aliens OR god but not both because supposedly if aliens existed, and the bible was real, then aliens would have been mentioned in the Bible, therefore either aliens or the bible is fake

I think those that believe in Aliens and the supernatural, are generally those who do not believe in God for whatever reason, and instead place the faith they have into these big eyed men, or Ghosts,etc. Most humans have a need to believe in something.
speed said:
Well, obviously a Christian would have to deny the existence of aliens, or, spread the Good News on the alien planet.

There are so many logical flaws to Christianity, as there are to every philosophical and religious system, that questions like these, point out the abursdity.

Well, I'm sure many Christians would simply take the exclusivist point of view, and insist that the aliens are missing something.

Thing is, faiths here on our own earth pose the same question. If we have two sets of belief structures, both equally as possible/valid, the only way to choose which is "right" is through personal taste or bias, so in a sense we can never know. Damn religion, it took a damn nice idea and pissed all over it.
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