Aliens Anyone?

A couple of years before we moved here to Phoenix, there was an incident over the city. It was filmed and a huge percentage of the population wittnessed it. Passing directly over the city fairly low was a silently passing expanse of lights, HUGE, miles wide. Two or three of them passed. The mass of it was undistinguishable because it was so big. People watched it, the air force was out from Luke, the base here which is about a three miles down the road from where we live and they had nothing difinitive to say about it.
They had it on the news when we first moved here, showing it on the anniversary of and showed a film of it. Apparently many people got it on film.
It was like some invasion film or ET. Really amazing.
ah mehdi you cynical barsteward.

i reckon theres deffo other life forms in the universe, and there's no reason to think that nothing get get into our planet from the outside just because not all of us can get off it.

i started readin a book on the subject in work, granted, it was a pile of shite like written by some tanked up insecure bald man no doubt but there was an little interesting theory for all the anathema doom heads knocking around....

...he said maybe the aliens birthed life on this planet becuase god cant look after everything (errr....omnipotence) and they are like mysterious angels, descending on our lonely planet to check that we are all still ok. just to see if we arent wandering into dark forrests sacrificing our selves to the spirits of the 7th plane.

(i added that last bit though)
nomana-nuniyan said:
A couple of years before we moved here to Phoenix, there was an incident over the city. It was filmed and a huge percentage of the population wittnessed it. Passing directly over the city fairly low was a silently passing expanse of lights, HUGE, miles wide. Two or three of them passed. The mass of it was undistinguishable because it was so big. People watched it, the air force was out from Luke, the base here which is about a three miles down the road from where we live and they had nothing difinitive to say about it.
They had it on the news when we first moved here, showing it on the anniversary of and showed a film of it. Apparently many people got it on film.
It was like some invasion film or ET. Really amazing.

Creepy stuff. Stuff like that probably happens all the time and of course the national news won't touch it because it doesn't involve Paris Hilton or some sensationalized murder trial.
blackeyed said:
i reckon theres deffo other life forms in the universe, and there's no reason to think that nothing get get into our planet from the outside just because not all of us can get off it.

yeah yeah but where are they? when i see them on tv like in 'indepedance day' ill admit, but until then im not buying any of that x-files bollocks. and theres nothing wrong with bald insecure men ffs.