Alina Get The Fuck In Here

Shit like this makes me realize that yeah, our governments are crooked and far from perfect, but still a long ways away from this level of corruption and insanity.


yeah, things look pretty different when you're on the outside looking in, right?

hint, hint
^^^ tee hee

Dammit I was supposed to watch that Vice thing over the weekend. Instead I watched Frankenhooker. Well, most of it, I fell asleep toward the end.
It is, I'll describe everything you might not know/toolazy to read - shortly in a few.

good one, I remember putting Meshuggah really loud once and seeing my family running out of their rooms yelling that the washing machine must have got fucked.
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There's a documentary movie about the war in Ukraine that is now touring over states atm. It's directed by wonderful people who've been at the front line as soldiers and came back home to tell us their story, I've been studying with one of them.
If you care to understand more about what's going on, check it out in your city. Next are: Orlando, New York, Long Island, NJ, Washington DC, Philadelphia.
It's with English subtitles. More details here: