All I've Got To Say Is...


Neuroses Facilitator
I've been posting on this forum for a couple of months, and I've been jumping around to the other various band forums around here, and I've seen a lot of different posts and opinions, and all I've got to say is...


Some cool ones, as well, don't get me wrong, but let me tell ya, downright scary sometimes. I've been to hundreds of metal shows over my lifetime, and I've always wondered if there were any other semi-normal people there with me, and judging from some of these sites, I have my answer. It would be a percentage, and I'd say it's about...


Don't get mad unless I'm talking about you. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
You will always encounter forum "trolls"...that's a given...but you also have to understand that diff people have diff sense of humour's hard to really express yourself by just typing and smilies...**shrugs** I guess you have just been unlucky...I've met some wonderful people in metal forums as well as people who truly make me doubt if they have brains and if they know how to use them :tickled:
HAhaha, Walter I think I'd have to agree with you... but then again... you might be talking about me. In that case.... you better watch it other wise I'll drag yo ass in da mosh pit while I tears shit up biotch! HARDCORE FOR LIFE!


Most people who totally latch onto a subculture and make it their whole identity are likely to be pretty confused and screwed up in some fashion, but more so when said subculture is one that spends alot of its time concentarting on themes that are the opposite of what would be termed psychologically and morally healthy. Not necessarily the point of the artists to engender that sort of response, but pretty predictable I guess, especially on the part of the more extreme stuff that's out there. Indeed there are lots of fucked up people out there.


:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:[/QUOTE]
Ha ha ha. Let me explain something to you "pal." The average age of the PP attandee is somehwere around 32.

You want to hear about fucked up people ? Listen to my life.... I get up and go to work everyday to make the best life I can for me and my family. I cut my grass before I have to find where I parked my vehicles with a machete. I take the wife shopping. I take out the trash. I pet my dogs and cats daily and I listen to metal music loud and often.
I am sure that the majority of posters here in this forum share a similar lifestyle as I. Am I fucked up ? I suppose that would be in the eye of the beholder, but I can tell you that I am very happy to be me. I'm far from perfect, but I wake up everyday with every intention of being my best everyday.

Bryant said:
I pet my dogs and cats daily and I listen to metal music loud and often.
I am sure that the majority of posters here in this forum share a similar lifestyle as I.

Damn, I only have cats, Am I a fucked up mind now ??? :erk:
Damn...took you here and other on-line forums to find out there are some fucked up people out there....

All i need to do is walk out my door to find them. :D
I believe it was Scott Ian who once said...

"It's a free country, and everyone is allowed to suck if they want to."
Talk about fucked up...I teach high school economics and listen to heavy metal. I, like Bryant, also have to cut my grass and take care of animals. I apologize Langkowski...I will seek help immediately to try to raise the "normal" percentage to 4%. Ha! jk
Walter_Langkowski said:
I've been posting on this forum for a couple of months, and I've been jumping around to the other various band forums around here, and I've seen a lot of different posts and opinions, and all I've got to say is...


You are just finding this out now?

ROTFL, I've got three cats (yep, one cat away from being a crazy cat lady). I have a coworker that puts on show tunes and sings and dances with her dog - what can I say, she works and pays her taxes. Who am I to judge?
Nice replies, peeps!! :Spin: :Spin: What I should have added is that by the things that I've seen covered here on the pp forum, that you guys seem pretty ok, it's just the horrors I've seen lie elsewhere :ill: :eek: I guess it's because there seems to be a lot more of people closer to my age ( adult male over 30) on this one and that maybe I have a low tolerance for kids under 16 (with the exception of LOCALX. YOU MAH DOG, KID!!)

I guess really that none of us are that normal by listening to the shit that we do, but everything is relative, I guess. I kind of have an aversion to people bordering on psychotic, and some of these other peeps seem pretty close to that! Up the dosage!! Don't buy generic!!

I appreciate a good debate like anyone else, but hatred and bigotry is what a lot of these dudes are about, and they seem to want to shell it out in large dosages. This forum is indeed a mirror image of society, so yeah, why the Hell should I be suprised, huh? Still too naive, maybe.

Maybe I'll just stay at the pp forum home and hide under my virtual bed!! Mommee!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
You want to hear about fucked up people ? Listen to my life.... I get up and go to work everyday to make the best life I can for me and my family. I cut my grass before I have to find where I parked my vehicles with a machete. I take the wife shopping. I take out the trash. I pet my dogs and cats daily and I listen to metal music loud and often.
I am sure that the majority of posters here in this forum share a similar lifestyle as I. Am I fucked up ? I suppose that would be in the eye of the beholder, but I can tell you that I am very happy to be me. I'm far from perfect, but I wake up everyday with every intention of being my best everyday.

Nothing wrong with that, Bryant. Sounds pretty fuckin' metal to me!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I have a lot of respect for people like yourself who try to do better for themselves and others, as that's pretty much how I am, so take no offense.

Still, man...cats? :Spin: :Spin:
Walter_Langkowski said:
Nothing wrong with that, Bryant. Sounds pretty fuckin' metal to me!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I have a lot of respect for people like yourself who try to do better for themselves and others, as that's pretty much how I am, so take no offense.

Still, man...cats? :Spin: :Spin:

Five dogs, four cats, one cockatiel and one rabbit. Don't ask me why we have so many. It was sorta by accident. One cat was a stray that took up with us. One cat was given to us and two dogs were given to us. They are all well taken care of though. In my wildest dreams I would have never thought I would own so many, but now that I have them, I wouldn't part with any of them.

As far as this forum being mature, it normally is if you ignore the "mosh-pits at prog power" thread. I think the average age for the prog power IV attendee was 32 or 33 and there are often some good threads floating around.

carnut said:
Damn, I only have cats, Am I a fucked up mind now ??? :erk:

Well cats are easier to care for. I didn't know you hung out here at the Prog Power forum too Carnut? Are you going to fly into the the US and join JonnyD and me at PPV ? Atlanta (where prog power is) is the place I was telling you about that has the great small brewery.... Sweet Water Brewery.

Bryant said:
Well cats are easier to care for. I didn't know you hung out here at the Prog Power forum too Carnut? Are you going to fly into the the US and join JonnyD and me at PPV ? Atlanta (where prog power is) is the place I was telling you about that has the great small brewery.... Sweet Water Brewery.

Bryant, you should know the places were I hang out on the net :loco:
As much as I would like to visit Progpower, I think it's very hard to me.
I have a little family to run here (2 kids) and so it's not so obvious just to take a trip to the USA for a concert. But the idea of getting together with some guys of the oldschool forum keeps zipping my mind...who knows, maybe will talk with guys like Hawk and Fang to get us all together sometime somewhere to fly over drink some US beers !!