All the dickheads out in force


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Man since the announcement of Belladonna being in the band this board has suddenly surged with the influx of major dickheads.

You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!

It's really starting to piss me (and the majority of others) off as this was once a great place to talk to fellow metal heads but now it's just the same old cocks posting shit either about how bad Joey or Bush or just trying to annoy the fuck outta people.

So I say this with all sincerity.

Grow up, lose the vagina, grow a set and shut the fuck up with your bullshit or GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD!!
how mature post... thanks for speaking on behalf of great majority.

''You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!''

That fact that there are lots of people with different opinions would indicate a discussion point wouldn't it!

What should we be doing on a board with a band that can't dicide whether it's coming or going, constantly listing our fav song list?! :rolleyes:

Screw you guys I'm going home! (ie I win argument again!)
No Ruud I win. I said it first dammit ;-)

The facts are debate is healthy. Sure. That wasn't my initial post intent.

Let me clarify. I was stating the fact that some people are hell bent of posting opinions just to
a) get a rise out of people
b) cause shit

That isn't healthy debate. Check out the average posts lately - seems certain posters are here to cause shit. Point B to be precise.

That was my initial point - I and I am far from alone on this am sick to death of certain posters just coming on here to cause shit.

The Joey singing a tribute to Ronnie Dio forum was a perfect example. One poster refusing to keep it respectful to Ronnie and blatantly ignoring several requests to do so and turned it into a Joey debate.

I guess we just have to accept that some people are fuckwits and be done with it.

Man since the announcement of Belladonna being in the band this board has suddenly surged with the influx of major dickheads.

You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!

It's really starting to piss me (and the majority of others) off as this was once a great place to talk to fellow metal heads but now it's just the same old cocks posting shit either about how bad Joey or Bush or just trying to annoy the fuck outta people.

So I say this with all sincerity.

Grow up, lose the vagina, grow a set and shut the fuck up with your bullshit or GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD!!

the official board is much better mate.
I am a member their too - I should post there more often just that I got some good long term friends on here.
Man since the announcement of Belladonna being in the band this board has suddenly surged with the influx of major dickheads.

You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!

It's really starting to piss me (and the majority of others) off as this was once a great place to talk to fellow metal heads but now it's just the same old cocks posting shit either about how bad Joey or Bush or just trying to annoy the fuck outta people.

So I say this with all sincerity.

Grow up, lose the vagina, grow a set and shut the fuck up with your bullshit or GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD!!

What this say's *Cough 6er*
the official board is much better mate.

There everyone seems to be some sort of Moderator... brings Orwell's 1984 to are ONLY allowed to say "politically correct things"....:)

I don't mind what for example 6er posts...hope you don't mind what I post either...this is NOT so serious.

Man since the announcement of Belladonna being in the band this board has suddenly surged with the influx of major dickheads.

You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!

It's really starting to piss me (and the majority of others) off as this was once a great place to talk to fellow metal heads but now it's just the same old cocks posting shit either about how bad Joey or Bush or just trying to annoy the fuck outta people.

So I say this with all sincerity.

Grow up, lose the vagina, grow a set and shut the fuck up with your bullshit or GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD!!

Antwax - I don't mind healthy debate - that's not what I was getting at. What I am saying is certain ppl who have been mentioned previously on here are just being assholes and fucking it up for the majority.

I respect the fact that everyone has their own opinion and can voice it.

But what I don't respect is assholes who constantly post shit just to get under people's skin (and that's not directed at you either).
Lately its almost like April '05 on here again with all the Belladonna sheep returning in full force. They all need to piss off back to Blabbermouth where they belong or from wherever else they came from. Pretty sad when some people only give a shit about this band when its the way THEY want it.
Well I just hope having Joey back in the band turns out for the best:rock:

I became a fan when Joey was in the band in the 80's...Sometimes nostalgic feeling can feel good...if you know what I mean:lol:
There everyone seems to be some sort of Moderator... brings Orwell's 1984 to are ONLY allowed to say "politically correct things"....:)

I don't mind what for example 6er posts...hope you don't mind what I post either...this is NOT so serious.


Agreed. It's something to bitch about waiting for the NFL to start.
Regarding the NFL, i have NOTHING to bitch about. Regarding Anthrax..i dont play them daily anymore after over 15 years of regular listening. Me, im finding enjoyment in the metal arena away from "thrash" and anything associated with downtuned or rough chords.