All Whites Should Die


some loser
Jul 1, 2004
Gloucester, MA
All people with even the smallest portion of Aryan or even European blood needs to be destroyed if we, the Jewish overlords of this Earth, are ever to take our place as supreme leaders and masters of its people. If anyone has wondered why I have been so offended by many of the posts in this section of the forum it is because I am in fact an Arabic Jewish Zionist. I have tried to keep my beliefs to myself and tolerate the disgusting posts on this forum but as I have read your posts it becomes ever more evident; we need to exterminate all people of non-semetic descent.

If there actually are any other Jews on this forum I hope sincerely that you will join in my quest to exterminate all those of European descent. We have let our position as masters of this Earth be usurped by the incredibly insuperior Aryan race for far too long.
sonofhendrix13 said:
All people with even the smallest portion of Aryan or even European blood needs to be destroyed if we, the Jewish overlords of this Earth, are ever to take our place as supreme leaders and masters of its people. If anyone has wondered why I have been so offended by many of the posts in this section of the forum it is because I am in fact an Arabic Jewish Zionist. I have tried to keep my beliefs to myself and tolerate the disgusting posts on this forum but as I have read your posts it becomes ever more evident; we need to exterminate all people of non-semetic descent.

If there actually are any other Jews on this forum I hope sincerely that you will join in my quest to exterminate all those of European descent. We have let our position as masters of this Earth be usurped by the incredibly insuperior Aryan race for far too long.

Well you are certaintly on the right track. Now you should post countless threads bashing us pasty white Aryans.
I'll quote a phrase from one of my favorite books:

"All men must die." Sooner or later we all die, that is the fact of life, even part of it. So yes, all whites should die, and so should I, and so should you. In time, we all shall. It is the way of the world. It need not be a sad nor violent nor regretful thing.
^Death should be celebrated. If everyone believed that dying was a 'good' thing, then mabey there would be much less killing.
"I ain't gonna kill the bastard, I am going to make him suffer so I'll let him live"
Now that we have completely destroyed France, we must group together and destroy the rest of Europe. All we need to do is live and reproduce in their nations and we can bring the insuperior white races to their knees. Therefore, I propose a giant travelling ethnic orgy that will cross every European nation and kill each of them through the horrors of multiculturalism. I urge all the non-white peoples of Europe to band with me in this orgy that will once and for all destroy the inferior Aryan race and cement the Jewish population as masters of the world and universe.
Final_Product said:

And Speed...maybe your pasty, I, on the otherhand, visit tanning beds each other day! I'm a regular Adonis ;)

Oh, come now, we all know that Scots are as pallid as a gothic mall kid. ;)

sonofhendrix13 said:
Now that we have completely destroyed France, we must group together and destroy the rest of Europe. All we need to do is live and reproduce in their nations and we can bring the insuperior white races to their knees. Therefore, I propose a giant travelling ethnic orgy that will cross every European nation and kill each of them through the horrors of multiculturalism. I urge all the non-white peoples of Europe to band with me in this orgy that will once and for all destroy the inferior Aryan race and cement the Jewish population as masters of the world and universe.

I wouldn't worry. We all know that Jews will outlast all other people. No one will ever wipe the Jewish people off the face of this earth.
sonofhendrix13 said:
Now that we have completely destroyed France, we must group together and destroy the rest of Europe. All we need to do is live and reproduce in their nations and we can bring the insuperior white races to their knees. Therefore, I propose a giant travelling ethnic orgy that will cross every European nation and kill each of them through the horrors of multiculturalism. I urge all the non-white peoples of Europe to band with me in this orgy that will once and for all destroy the inferior Aryan race and cement the Jewish population as masters of the world and universe.

And with only 13 million members of your religion, think of the lebensraum avaliable for each single Jew!
A good point indeed, Speed.

I don't think you people should encounter a great resistance at all in your efforts to exterminate the Aryans, Hendrix, Jews are clearly smarter and better at everything than Gentiles. Fact.
Guitarmaster said:
A good point indeed, Speed.

I don't think you people should encounter a great resistance at all in your efforts to exterminate the Aryans, Hendrix, Jews are clearly smarter and better at everything than Gentiles. Fact.

With all apologies to the current Israeli state and Sharon, we Gentiles are better at violence and killing. We have perfected the art of mass murder!
sonofhendrix13 said:
All people with even the smallest portion of Aryan or even European blood needs to be destroyed if we, the Jewish overlords of this Earth, are ever to take our place as supreme leaders and masters of its people. If anyone has wondered why I have been so offended by many of the posts in this section of the forum it is because I am in fact an Arabic Jewish Zionist. I have tried to keep my beliefs to myself and tolerate the disgusting posts on this forum but as I have read your posts it becomes ever more evident; we need to exterminate all people of non-semetic descent.

If there actually are any other Jews on this forum I hope sincerely that you will join in my quest to exterminate all those of European descent. We have let our position as masters of this Earth be usurped by the incredibly insuperior Aryan race for far too long.

HILARIOUS!!! Dude I'm not too far from Gloucester....I'm white and not jewish
but if you ever need help putting this comedy into effect, let me know....I'll give you a hand.
:D :headbang: :hotjump: :headbang: :worship:

But this really shows how racism can be stupid. I mean, if there was only Arian white race on this planet, I'm 101% sure that there would be again some kind of fascist, fighting for "true whiteness".
Something like "North Norwegian True Arian Front", claming that all south Norwegians should be exterminated because nicer climate has genetically modified them and now their blood is spoiled or something like this. :p

Even more fun it would be in the world of animals. You turn up TV and see news report: "Darker Fur Beavers of yellow stream river have protested today near their dam, claiming that they cannot take further oppression from other beavers. This rioting is direct result of darker beaver inability to build dams that are up to our standards on the state level, said Light Fur Beavers chairman Mr.Toothie, it has nothing to do with color of their fur, and this is utter nonsense. He didn't comment on the recent case of three lighter fur beavers molesting one small darker fur beaver. They should build their dams properly and watch their own dam business, finished Mr. Toothie."
sonofhendrix13 said:
All people with even the smallest portion of Aryan or even European blood needs to be destroyed if we, the Jewish overlords of this Earth, are ever to take our place as supreme leaders and masters of its people. If anyone has wondered why I have been so offended by many of the posts in this section of the forum it is because I am in fact an Arabic Jewish Zionist. I have tried to keep my beliefs to myself and tolerate the disgusting posts on this forum but as I have read your posts it becomes ever more evident; we need to exterminate all people of non-semetic descent.

If there actually are any other Jews on this forum I hope sincerely that you will join in my quest to exterminate all those of European descent. We have let our position as masters of this Earth be usurped by the incredibly insuperior Aryan race for far too long.

I am not Jew, and sincerely thanks goodness :loco: I am not YOU! You must have a serious problem to think the Jews are the Masters of the World. I think if there is a god above he must be stupid to have chosen the Jews as his "people". :headbang:
Haha, wow I'm surprised this thread has come so far. I was sure it would be locked about as soon as I started it. Anyways, for the few people who thought I was being serious it was a joke. I was tired of all the nazis posting on this forum and created this thread to see their reaction. Unfortunately, none really did bother to post. I'm not really Jewish, but I'm glad you guys took it in good humor.