All you Left Coasters

Bartman and I will be there!!! :rock:

Thanks to Bartman, that is. :kickass:

I've seen quite a few shows at Slim's (everything from Static-X to HIM). This should be awesome! Cramped, but awesome.

First: The Faceless were awesome! They did not disappoint in the least. I'm so glad I finally got to see them.

Second: Cynic... Words cannot properly convey my disdain for this band. But let me try.

Before going to the show, Bartman and I went to their Myspace page to get an idea of what they were about. I noticed that their recording sounded very "low-fi" and way over-compressed and processed. Nope, it wasn't the recording.

These guys sucked out-loud! The guitarist/singer is a conceited little Alan Holdsworth wannabe prick, who should be wanking in a pseudo jazz band and not fucking up my metal concert! Sanctimonious, sawed-off, buzz-killing piece of shit! That little son-of-a-bitch nearly ruined our whole day. By the time they were done, I was nearly done. My mood was in the toilet and I didn't even want to be there anymore. I hope to never hear of them again.

Third: MESHUGGAH!!! Thes guys would wake the fucking dead!! They are one of the most amazing live bands I've ever seen. This is the second time that Bartman and I have seen them. They blew the room to pieces!

Even if their music isn't your thing, go see this band. The fact that they can pull these songs off live just blows my mind. What they do is absolutely a type of genius. As a musician, I am baffled by their extensive knowledge and the practical application of said knowledge. As a listener, I am astounded by the brutality and barely controlled rage that they are able to convey in their songs. As a concert goer, I'm a headbanging, devil-horn flying disciple of the band called MESHUGGAH!

Not even Cynic could fuck that show up...and Gawd knows they tried.

P.S. I'd bet my next paycheck that Sharkblack is a Cynic fan. :lol: Sorry Big-B. I just couldn't resist.

Man what a show!! Meshuggah is the only band where after each song I am actually at a loss for words as to what exactly I just saw. They pull off the most mind-blowing stuff live...utterly amazing. Definitely a once in a lifetime band.

The Faceless were fantastic as well. Great band.

Cynic almost put me to sleep....seriously. I'm gonna use Sorrells word here....BUZZKILL. No joke. I couldn't even hear the singer, not even in between songs when it was relatively quiet. Get some bollocks and SPEAK UP jackass.

As usual, we went to the Guitar Center on Van Ness beforehand and drooled for an hour or so. I was near the back waiting for the bathroom while some dude was wanking out in store somewhere, and he was sucking big-time. Some older British guy comes walking back to where the bathrooms are and begins to rant about how bad the guy is. Apparently, the crappy guitar player was embarrassing himself on some hollow-body model because his rant ended with "I want to take a piss in his F Holes".

I about shat myself right there:p

Good times!!
