All you need to know about Finnish language...

Originally posted by astarte
there's at least two girls here so you might as well give some nice phrases to us too ;) (that doesn't sound too coherent)

Why bother making things too difficult when you can just ask: "Haluatko naida minua?" or "Kelpaako märkä pillu?" That is if sex is what you want from those Finnish guys... If it isn't, you're on your own... :lol: Have fun!
Originally posted by Narcisse
Why bother making things too difficult when you can just ask: "Haluatko naida minua?" or "Kelpaako märkä pillu?" That is if sex is what you want from those Finnish guys... If it isn't, you're on your own... :lol: Have fun!
kiitos :confused:
Hi everybody! I'm new to this place but I already feel home. I'm not from Finland, but I'm addicted to the music, the country and of course ... the language! (Not that I speak it. Yet. But just you wait and see next year when I've finished school I'll start with a Finnish course).

I already have a dear friend who translates for me, but then, I don't want to ask too much from him and might make use of your generous offer.

Cheers everyone! :spin:
Originally posted by astarte

yay! so i'm not the only one obsessed about Finland (and everything related) :grin:

Hiya! Fear not! You're not alone. And you're sooo right about being addicted to... ahem... "everything". (This includes things that shouldn't be mentioned on a public message board. ;)

I hope it won't be long anymore till I can move to Finland. (Not long = a couple of years... more education ahead. Hmph)
Prepare Finns!!! We're coming!!! :grin:

I haven't made up my mind yet. I like Joensuu a lot. Jyväskylä too. It's not gonna be Helsinki. I seek the wilderness. :grin:
Wilderness can be found from Tampere, Hervanta. Move there if u like getting beaten by foreigners..
I dont suggest Oulu, its.. forest :lol:
Oh yea, Helsinki is full of idiots and they r too rap related.

I know Im gonna get a lot of enemies with this post :lol: