Allo Allo


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just wasting a thread here to say "hello". :) I'm back now and see that there are a hundred threads to read, and another hundred e-mails to catch up on.

Got a bunch of new promos to send out to the RC staff as well. \m/
:wave: Had a friend named Alo way back in elementary school, he was a Samoan with a gigantic fucking head, used to pick fights with it. Pick fights with other people using his head that is.

I have a mountain of promos already, but my at-home computer is on its way so I can actually write a review in my spare time time, as opposed to squeezing them in at work. :p
You got pwned by the all caps filter. :lol:

Go to the Hypocrisy thread I bumped man, I posted a link to a zip file of it (also thank the dude who posted it in the Hypocrisy forum). It sounds like a cross between Roswell 47 and the self-titled album, it is AWESOME. I cannot wait for the new album now!
Black Winter Day said:
i'll do it
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