Almost $60 dollars?

While at college at OSU in stillwater, oklahoma. I paid $600 for a 3-bedroom house/ with one bath, two seperate toilets, a garage, backyard, nice sized living room and kitchen.

Back at my home town in Oklahoma rent is even cheaper. You can rent a decent sized trailer house for less than 400.

I pay a little over $1000 here in Renton, WA, and that's for a two-bedroom,two bath apt.

All the prices I mentioned are total. So of course I had roomates. and i live with my bro and his gf here . . . so divide any of those by 3 and that's what I pay . . . .and I'm still jobless :Smug:

Well I totally want to do that, but my bro isn't near as big of an Opeth fan as me. and i don't want to go by myself. I've seen Opeth four times so it won't kill me to miss a gig. I might go to the seattle gig with DT if i have the money. Going to Portland also doesn't allow me to get drunk

wow $600 for a 3 bedroom house? I pay about $2500 mortgage for a 3 bedroom house:Puke:.

i should have bought in Oklahoma, at least i could have followed the sonics. :(
^ Heh' Yeah, wouldn't you believe that basketball is my favorite sport and i was like hell yeah! I can go to some sonics games once i get some cash in my pocket . . . .but no, now that i've left oklahoma the sonics are moving to oklahoma . . . .strange. I did get to see the hornets play at the Ford Center in OKC though. I'm sure the sonics will end up making the Ford center their arena as well, its huge. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed their name though, don't most teams do that when they change cities??????
I paid $30 w/fee for each Montreal ticket. By the way Mix the US dollar is worth less than the Canucker, $.98 right now. Our dollar at the moment is worthless. I also remember those $1.65 days. That's when I was visiting Montreal on a monthly basis. It was Great !!

$600 for a 3br !! That's funny. In my area a studio apt goes for $1000+. Cost of living varies for everyone. It's all about supply & demand. If the cost is high, obviously people in that area can afford it. If it's low, than most people are earning lower wages.

When you look at what some other concerts cost, $60 isn't than unreasonable. I was gonna pay $200+ for a premier Boston seat, until I found out about the Montreal show. Can't fucking wait !!!
I'm gonna pay NIS340 (about USD100) for a ticket to see Opeth, but it's more like a festival. Dark Tranquillity will also be there in addition to Opeth and eight other acts.
. . . .and I'm still jobless :Smug:

Well there's your problem. :rolleyes:

Go to the Paganfest show at Studio Seven. SuidAkrA just got added to a lineup that includes Ensiferum, Eluveitie & Tyr. It's only $18 + a $4 per order charge (not per ticket and no crazy building fees, got screwed by those for the Iron Maiden show at White River). I'll be there sporting a Kalmah shirt. :rock:

It's should be a sweet show.

But then again, I'm heading to Spokane to see Opeth headline.
I love Opeth, Dream Theater, and Between the Buried and Me. Tickets for my venue were 53 dollars, and I am in Row M in the orchestra section. Money well spent for me :)
Well since Mendez sold out he always brings with him his "crew" of 15 guys(like 50-Cent) on to the stage so of course it will get more expensive.

dude, what the hell are you talking about?

and with subject of ticket prices, I thought they were 25ish....
less I was lookin in the opeth headline place...
that would suck ass, me and my father waisting $110 on opeth, 3, and other bands I could care less about.

WoW i have never paid this much for an Opeth ticket before. Sorry I don't mean to bitch, but I am cuz the first time I saw Opeth it was like $22 - even when I saw them at Sounds of the Underground that was even cheap compared to this.

In fact everytime I've seen Opeth I don't think it's been more than 25 dollars, and for 5 - 6 songs? . . . . . . I really hope I can afford to go, that's really what this is a matter about, cuz i Just moved to Seattle and cost of living and rent is WAY high here than Oklahoma, especially gas prices.

Opeth worth every cent!
you are talking about 60$???? I paid hundreds of $$$$$ to watch Opeth!! :rock:
What the fuck is up with this forum, I just came back from a lurking session from the Katatonia board, everybody there (almost) answered kindly, there were no provocatory answers, no "omgz you failz!" kinda comments. To cut a short story... well, even shorter, it was a nice forum. Nice. C'mon guys, I know you can pronounce that word too: ni - ce, here, two syllables, noting otherworldy.

Now, back (or forward) on my useless comment on the topic: well, 60 dollars is more expensive than your standard Opeth concert, but keep in mind that they're co-headlining with Dream Theater. I suppose that Opeth won't even see as much as Dream Theater will get.
lol. This is exactly why I've been a member here for 2 years but made my first post this past week. So much bitching here. But to get to the issue here: I totally agree with Helio, but my judgment is not reserved for the bands. The exorbitant prices are all Ticketbastard's doing. Tix for the Orpheum were about $40, which honestly, is reasonable for what you get. HOWEVER, paying $10.25 extra PER TICKET is just them dipping their grubby fucking mitts in my wallet.

My advice: IF you can swing it, always get your tickets at the venue.
have u heard about WORK?! a JOB?! u can get money from it and 60$ is not so much for a US citizen who make about 9$ minimum for one hour!!

Well i just moved to seattle, I have a college degree and no one will hire me. So fuck you, i'm not about to go work fast food, asshole

edit: and by the way our economy is going through A RECESSION!