Alright, I need some opinions on this recording...

Mark_Palangio said:
...I plan to record the whole song, but before I do, I wanted some opinions on the recording quality and stuff. I recorded the intro to the song, any advice or suggestions would be cool. Tell me what you think of the clip, and what I could possibly do to make it sound better. Thanks guys!
You should play some metal, and not techno.
Mendel said:
i some way i can understnad. it sounds like metal but at the otherside, i sounds to like a gameboy techno tune.

It's an In Flames song, Trigger. I don't want opinions of the actual song, I want opinions of the recording, and how I could make it sound better.
Seizure. said:
your guitarsound seems pretty allright... its just that your out of tune guitar makes it sound kinda dissonant orso... and the whole is just kinda weird or something.

Weird? I don't understand how it sounds weird...
Seizure. said:
i bet that if you would tune your guitar and maybe mix the drums differently you would get a faaaaaarrbetter result..

I did tune my guitar, I guess the strings are just too haggard now. It may need re-setup too, I dunno. How could I mix the drums differently to make it sound better?
Mendel said:
try to make the guitars a bit brighter ( like with ome eq or some ) and the base kick a bit heavier. i did i little bit of tweaking so you can hear what i mean. first liten to your own version ( link above )
and then mine:

see where im going ? try to eq something out. and ofcourse there must be no clipping.

Mendel, that does sound better. What exactly did you do there?