Alright you fetid pieces of bulky white shit

The strange habits and idiosyncrasies thread?
K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don’t pull your fucking wierd ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don’t even know wtf you’re talking about.
This is the insult thread.

I don't give a shit who the moderator is.
If it's you V5, you can choke on a god damn brick of shit before you kiss your mother goodnight.
If anyone else has a problem, then promptly go ban yourself you pitiful fuckface.

Looking at most of you causes my bowels to stir with angst. Just the though of most of you becoming leaders in some field (that field most likely being pederasting, with a USELESS fucking minor like "women's-studies") fills me with a deep dread, like how some of you must feel when your father comes to kiss you goodnight, and slips you a little extra tongue because you were all "good boy and girls".

I mean my god, who the fuck cares how you all feel. I damn well know I don't (neither does Ozzzman and Doden's, the only other consecutively awesome fucks that are here). My fucking point is, that this giant group of fucking retard babies needs an insult thread. We need more rock hard men here, and more women who look like those rock hard men. You faggot, I bet that sounds gay to you - of course it would, you would have dick coursing through your blood if it was possible.

"But why would any kind-hearted soul want a thread such as this in the GMD social forum, shouldn't this go in the thread ga...."

"NO YOU FAT HAMBEAST CUNT-FUCK"; this thread is being put here because it will actually get some god-damn replies. The games forum has even more pitiful people than the shit-pieces that are here.

So get angry, start making rude insults, I want the genocide of decency to begin, and you miserable looking hairless monkey's are going to be the catalyst to bring it about.

You misplaced several apostrophes you fucking cunt.
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Well that's better than what I thought you'd listened to, which was none. I was a little concerned when I first sent it that an alcoholic Czech with ADD wouldn't have the mental stamina to handle anything without a constant blastbeat, but I went ahead and took the plunge.

(Into his mom)

Hahah Grant, I love my reputation here. It's weird that you guys know me so well just from 2,200 short posts.
You do a damn good job showing off your insanity here, Ondra. I for one can't wait to see you at an MDF or an Obscene fest in the future...

You do a damn good job showing off your insanity here, Ondra. I for one can't wait to see you at an MDF or an Obscene fest in the future...


That would be manly...

except for the fact that if you weren't a raging vag that cried himself to sleep, pleasuring himself to pictures of Charlie and the Oompa Loompas (OLD FILM not NEW ONE), you could just REACH THROUGH THE INTERNET AND RAM A COAGULATED CUM SPIKE THROUGH A MANS FACE, LIKE I WANT TO DO TO YOU
That would be manly...

except for the fact that if you weren't a raging vag that cried himself to sleep, pleasuring himself to pictures of Charlie and the Oompa Loompas (OLD FILM not NEW ONE), you could just REACH THROUGH THE INTERNET AND RAM A COAGULATED CUM SPIKE THROUGH A MANS FACE, LIKE I WANT TO DO TO YOU

It's Charlie and the Chocolate factory you dumb piece of shit.
Yeah well the statement in parentheses made it seem like you thought that was the title, Vibrator Vicky.
No, that's actually a tragic story.

Long story short: Jimmy Dean factory, three bottles of cognac, a Peruvian hooker, and a dead raccoon lead to someone he knows dying in a horrific choking-on-sausage-related death.

Or maybe you're both homosexuals and would enjoy performing fellatio on each other for a while. I dunno. I'm not a doctor.

I do know that my balls itch when I read your posts. That's true irritation.
All I know is that this place, thanks to you assholes, fills me with so much unbridled hatred and rage, that I get the urge to rip out every one of your eyes and SWITCH THEM WITH YOUR BALLS, so that every time you slip-and-slide-cock-dispensers piss, you'll have to watch it happening.