Am I the only one with insomnia?


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Gayest shit ever. Even if I'm completely exhausted, I'll just wait the entire fucking night to get asleep. Slowly watching the sun rise is the worst thing to happen when you're trying to sleep.
ironically, i've just woken up (8am here) and can't fall back asleep....was planning on sleeping in late and skipping hispanic lit :erk:

still gonna skip it...i mean, i'm still a little sick, wouldn't want anyone...heh
I did shrooms for the first time a few nights ago and pretty much lay there in the dark thinking and muttering to myself for 3 hours. WTF? not insomnia, but it was pretty scary, and a very interesting (if not wholly positive) experience. definitely trying them again.
I get insomnia all the time. Even though i'm exhausted 100% of the time. I think my body is going insane... from getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night since september.
At the end of last year I was going to bed at 11PM. Considering I have to wake up at 6:30AM, that's not too bad. As of now, I'm ususally getting to sleep at like 1:30AM, which is pretty much a mindfuck for the first two hours of my day.
I'm lucky to get to bed by midnight. Usually it's closer to 1am. I'm up at 5:00am every day of the week. Some nights i just don't sleep cause I have too much homework.
MFJ said:
At the end of last year I was going to bed at 11PM. Considering I have to wake up at 6:30AM, that's not too bad. As of now, I'm ususally getting to sleep at like 1:30AM, which is pretty much a mindfuck for the first two hours of my day.

Doesn't everyone do that in high school? I remember always getting 3-6 hours of sleep and somehow managing to still get shit done decently.
Eh, I don't know. I probably require a little bit more sleep than some people, just because I fucking run myself into superstress mode each day... for no really legitimate reason.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I'm lucky to get to bed by midnight. Usually it's closer to 1am. I'm up at 5:00am every day of the week. Some nights i just don't sleep cause I have too much homework.
wow. man. wow. that's almost enough to make me feel bad for doing so little work, and trust me that's pretty significant. i stay up till 2ish most nights, wake up at 9-10, depending on the day, go to class(es), smoke pot, put off doing homework, smoke more pot, do it all again :lol:
cthulufhtagn said:
wow. man. wow. that's almost enough to make me feel bad for doing so little work, and trust me that's pretty significant. i stay up till 2ish most nights, wake up at 9-10, depending on the day, go to class(es), smoke pot, put off doing homework, smoke more pot, do it all again :lol:

:lol: it's a good life while you can get away with it! you just have to be able to reign it in when necessary!
We don't get that life here. mandatory attendance. 10 absences. you're out. 10 lates. you're out. And we need every mark we can get. need a 70% average to pass
Conspicuously Absent said:
We don't get that life here. mandatory attendance. 10 absences. you're out. 10 lates. you're out. And we need every mark we can get. need a 70% average to pass

dude. it's called. a comma. use it.

edit: obligatory "don't get pissed at me for this post" smilie :loco: