Am I the only one with insomnia?

AsModEe said:
Am I the only one with insomnia?
No. Normally I can fall asleep everywhere, buses, theatres, parties, clubs, under as well as on top of tables (there are pictures...), but there are phases when I can't sleep several nights in a row because my thoughts won't stop racing. I feel nervous and restless - and like a total wreck the following day...

And when I finally fall asleep, I have nightmares.
lizard said:
post plz thx


No pics of Maren sleeping under tables available atm, sorry.
Demilich said:
:lol: it's a good life while you can get away with it! you just have to be able to reign it in when necessary!
yeah when it comes down to the wire i get my shit done...i have a 3.17 gpa, so it's not like i just blow everything off...just put it off as long as possible haha

for example, i have a (reasonably short) paper due by 7 tomorrow, and another one due thursday morning. i have all day today to work, but i have 5 hours of class tomorrow. the chances of me doing any work today are about 99 to 1 against :tickled:

edit: one paper postponed till tuesday! good thing i emailed the prof or i woulda shown up all sleep deprived, clutching a crumpled sheet of BS... "here ya go!" "oh...ha, er yeah about that..."

now there is a 0% chance of productivity today. i mean, c'mon, i'm still sick. cough.
well, ironically, where I worked this summer, I could easily sleep during lunch break for 45 minutes outside, on a very uncomfortable bench, with cars passing by and making a lot of noise. But then, when I get in my bed, there's no way for me to find sleep.