Amaran live in Holland!!!

\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Ronnie > make sure to buy the brown bottle with the gray and green logo and the funny cap ;) (Grolsch :P)

And thnx for the cool conversations hehe

All the best!

Frank / Symmetry


Too bad you couldn't play on all shows Frank, that would have been fun!!! Btw, when is your site coming online??? The links on it doesn't work... :erk: And concerning the beers we have a saying here in Sweden "Gratis är gott!!" :grin:
Newflesh said:
Too bad you couldn't play on all shows Frank, that would have been fun!!! Btw, when is your site coming online??? The links on it doesn't work... :erk: And concerning the beers we have a saying here in Sweden "Gratis är gott!!" :grin:

LOL In Dutch (I guess) : "Gratis is goed" ;) Indeed, the languages sound similar haha

Well, our singer is working on our site now, but I just checked the link and it's working fine.. you'll only see the intro-page and have acces to the guestbook...

And for playing more together : would be great indeed! We sent a promo-pack to listenable, maybe they're interested :)

Well, all the best to you and good luck on everything!

Talk to you later!

koivu said:
Yah, your pics are the best!! Well done! Also thanks for the company in the livingroom....
Erm, only ONE picture is mine! The black and white one of Johanna..

Company in the livingroom??? Marlieke?
Yeah, had a great night last Saturday. The only minor thing was the sound, especially during the first two songs.

Hopefully you will visit Holland again soon.

Hey Frank, a pitty you guys only played on Friday, would have been great to see you here in Alphen.

And since we're on the Swedish 'subject' : tack så mycket, for the great show!
Havermout said:
Yeah, had a great night last Saturday. The only minor thing was the sound, especially during the first two songs.

Hopefully you will visit Holland again soon.

Hey Frank, a pitty you guys only played on Friday, would have been great to see you here in Alphen.

And since we're on the Swedish 'subject' : tack så mycket, for the great show!
Cool to see you there Havermouth!!! Too bad the sound was crappy but it's hard to do the sound enginers job as well when your on stage ;-) As a swede I would say 'var så god!!!' :)
\m/FRNK\m/ said:
Ronnie > make sure to buy the brown bottle with the gray and green logo and the funny cap ;) (Grolsch :P)

And thnx for the cool conversations hehe

All the best!

Frank / Symmetry


Haha...I will remember that! But on the other hand...isn't it more exotic if I bring some swedish high-quality beer instead?? We have a brand called Sofiero here who is really famous! I even think I've heard Kari said it's his favorite!! :grin:
Alaqh said:
Haha...I will remember that! But on the other hand...isn't it more exotic if I bring some swedish high-quality beer instead?? We have a brand called Sofiero here who is really famous! I even think I've heard Kari said it's his favorite!! :grin:

Hmmm... But on the other hand maybe it's not one of my favourites since you FORCED me to buy and drink that shit... So, no, I wouldn't call it one of my favourites to put it mildly :grin: But since you were the one saying this is 'quite good' (meaning the Sofiero and I will never again take your word for good beer) I guess you have 'bunkrat upp med flera pallar av skiten hemma' :grin:
Alaqh said:
Haha...I will remember that! But on the other hand...isn't it more exotic if I bring some swedish high-quality beer instead?? We have a brand called Sofiero here who is really famous! I even think I've heard Kari said it's his favorite!! :grin:

I _have_ to try that stuff ;)
