AMD Athlon-64 X2/Asus A8V

Paul Steen

Jan 17, 2006
The Netherlands
Well since the pc I currently use for recording simply can't handle the job I'm looking for something else. I prefer a pc totally devoted to recording so I can keep the "old" one for internet etc. I have been looking for the past two weeks on the www to find out what's going on regarding daws.
It looks like a lot of experienced guys use an Athlon X2 with an Asus A8V motherboard. Is there anybody overhere that uses this configuration also? What are your opinions about this set up?
Any input is appreciated.
Opteron 165 if you want an x9 multiplier, or an Opty 170 if you want an x10.

Don't get the X2. Optys have 1mb cache per core, are less money, and overclock like the ballz. A well known guitar author buddy of mine just built a new DAW around the Opty 170 and the A8N-E and right off the bat with a mild overclock he was Prime95 stable at 2.5Ghz per core.

ASUS decks are primo. I like the A8N-E board quite a bit - rock stable, solid deck. Can't go wrong.
Mulder - Looks like RME did a lot of homework.

I forget which mag, but I read an interview with these dudes from Sweden who were discussing various issues with certain software/hardware configs etc... and they basically said they buy the cheapest win boxes they can find and just throw RME cards in there. =)

BTW - Happy Birthday to Paris Hilton.
I just want to build a recording monster...something that is just a processing motherfucker! I'd like to know what the most cost effective, high powered, badass machine would be without all the just simple preferences. I know thats vague, but I don't care...thats what I want to know!

...and I don't want anyone to say "get a mac"...not interested....yet.
Thanks guys, so far. I'm back doing my homework in this matter.
Damn, so much options and so much opinions.
Though it still looks like an AMD Athlon-64 X2 4400 2mb cache with a 939socket/Asus A8V (deluxe) is a setup chosen by many and very reliable. Nevertheless it does not mean that it is necessarily the best solution out there.
I'm looking into the Opterons as well. If I only could understand all the shit they're saying on all these forums. I'm not some computerwizard o_O , just want a reliable Daw that can handle it.
I'm off to the labyrinth.....:D

Athlons are AMD's "general use" processors for normal home users as well as "gamers" and the like. The Opteron processors are for workstation computers, servers, and graphics designers... "Creative professionals".. i.e. the fucking hardcore bastards with higher caches and what not.

You'll want an Opteron... dont even fuck around with an Athlon.

If you're going balls out, build it correctly.

the 2** series Opterons are fore use with a dual processor configuration, while the 1**s are for single processor use... although, from what I gather, it doesnt matter if you use a 2 series by itself.

Either way, get at least 2 gigs of RAM in this machine, as well... and I'd go so far as to liquid cool the son of a bitch too. Keeps it running silently, as well as allowing greater overclocking capabilities.

ALSO, build it yourself, or search for a premade system from Velocity, Alienware, Voodoo, etc....
J the TyranT said:

Athlons are AMD's "general use" processors for normal home users as well as "gamers" and the like. The Opteron processors are for workstation computers, servers, and graphics designers... "Creative professionals".. i.e. the fucking hardcore bastards with higher caches and what not.

You'll want an Opteron... dont even fuck around with an Athlon.

If you're going balls out, build it correctly.

the 2** series Opterons are fore use with a dual processor configuration, while the 1**s are for single processor use... although, from what I gather, it doesnt matter if you use a 2 series by itself.

Either way, get at least 2 gigs of RAM in this machine, as well... and I'd go so far as to liquid cool the son of a bitch too. Keeps it running silently, as well as allowing greater overclocking capabilities.

ALSO, build it yourself, or search for a premade system from Velocity, Alienware, Voodoo, etc....

Again spend half the day on the web reading, comparing etc. Slowly I'm understanding things more and more. One thing bothers me though.
You guys say Opteron (dualcore i.e. Opteron 165) is the best solution then why the hell is 75% of all homerecorders using Athlon Dual Cores?
Am I missing something?
I read a lot about overclocking as well. I'm not into that kind of math. Don't want to spend much time configuring a system, just build a solid one. I want to spend my time making music!
Damn I almost regret bringing this subject up :D
It's just like getting a nice girlfriend I guess, once you think you have
"the one", the next day you meet another that even looks better.
I think I'm just gonna grab one.....:saint: