America has Fox. We have the Daily Mail. - Emos go to the black parade

^ I was joking about that.

1) Metal definitely matters to me, but one day I was bored, sitting on my computer, I recently contacted my old friends in New Jersey and one was a big metalhead, so I checked out some of the bands on his myspace and thats how I got into Metal. If I wasn't bored I wouldn't have checked the bands out.

2) I think its a little bit of both with Emos and police hate. There are plenty of white guys at my school who say "fuck the police, blah blah blah" when they probably never had problems with an officer, yet still hate them because of the negative image painted by the music. Same with Emos and being suicidal, some might be beforehand, but I think a good amount view life in a negative way because of the music.

Just because those guys may never have had a problem with the cops yet, that doesn't mean their feelings are illegitimate. Cops are proffessional narcs, it's pretty easy to hate them for legitimate reasons. I'm not saying it's "right," I'm glad that the police are around, I wouldn't want them to get killed, but I'm betting these d00ds are being honest and real. Even if it's just traffic violations or that quarter of weed in their pocket, that's reason enough to be weary of the fuzz.

Maybe it's just me, I've never been influenced an inch by my music. I choose my music based on what ideas I already want to be around. I'm skeptical of the amount of effect it can actually have. It's easy to accuse other people of being influenced by the music against their own honest feelings, but until I see scores of people coming up saying "I want to burn down churches just because I love black metal" and "I want to kill myself just because I love emo," I personally won't be convinced. And for me it'd have to be people who still like that music, because people often want to distant themselves from their past so I bet a lot of people would say "I only acted that way because of the scene I was in then" about their past music but I'd suspect them of just saving face.

Can anyone provide any information about this Emo afterlife? I searched google and wiki and found nothing.

As far as I can gather, it's just an album by some band, and that's all there is too it. Along with the other absurd embellishments, I think the journalist also made up the idea that The Black Parade is widely believed in.

As amusingly sensational as the article is, the Daily Mail is a wonderful periodical with good economic coverage, as well as a viewpoint that usually leaves this conservative nodding.

As for the emos: we should encourage the spreading of this culture; at least this way we can spot dumbasses from a safe distance.
we shouoldnt taunt emos for listening to depressive music because, lots of metal heads do. we should let them be untill they do something to us personally. so what is a metal fan turns emo? he wasnt a true metal head anyway in that case. how about we just ignore them as best we can?
At least emos listen to something that has lyrics. If we're starting some kind of music war, I'm fighting against the people who listen to classical.


P.S. most of my good friends listen to... and even play, *sigh*... classical. So no beef. ;)

To be honest, I can't stand emo music but I am in support of anything that is pro-suicide.

PS2 did anyone say yet in this thread that the 13 year old girl was hot and they'd totally do her? 'Cause if not then I say that. If so then I simply concur.