America has Fox. We have the Daily Mail. - Emos go to the black parade


harsh :lol:
Its called power metal.
Are you kidding, they get into emo because they're bored? Did you get into metal just because you didn't have anything to do -- the music doesn't matter to you, it just happened to be there? I'm with you on the last sentence though, the music does reflect who you are. That's one of the main factors in how people (especially teens) choose what music they listen to and associate themselves with. I'm only 20, I remember being a teen... and pretty much everybody was suicidal. And pretty much nobody I knew listened to any emo. So I really can't agree with your idea that most emos weren't suicidal before they started listening to emo. But even if it's true, do you honestly think the music made them suicidal, and that it has nothing to do with their own legitimate thoughts and feelings? I mean, if somebody kills police officers, did they do it because they love NWA or did they do it because they hate police officers? Even if they love NWA, isn't it more likely that they love NWA *because* they hate police officers, rather than it being the other way around? I don't think people carbon-copy their beliefs out of their favorite bands, I think they pick their favorite bands based on their beliefs, what they relate to.
That's why I like Burzum - because I believe in stabbing your guitarist in the head.
You're being stupid again - you're possibly the only person in the world who believes the same shit as the bands claim to believe.

Cops are proffessional narcs, it's pretty easy to hate them for legitimate reasons.
As opposed to...unprofessional narcs?
Yeah, I hate them for busting up crack rings. Bastards.

As far as I can gather, it's just an album by some band, and that's all there is too it. Along with the other absurd embellishments, I think the journalist also made up the idea that The Black Parade is widely believed in.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.

GFAD, is the Daily Mail by any chance the British equivalent of the Onion?

Actual emo music is really more cathartic than wallowy and depressive so...
Yeah, this is talking about depressive goth-pop, not Rites of Spring-type stuff. It's starting to irritate me how common that misconception is.

At least emos listen to something that has lyrics. If we're starting some kind of music war, I'm fighting against the people who listen to classical.

PS2 did anyone say yet in this thread that the 13 year old girl was hot and they'd totally do her? 'Cause if not then I say that. If so then I simply concur.
I would too.

Jailbaits getting younger and younger.

Some fit looking girls in my chinese the other night, and one of them says "I'm hitting the big 1-4 next week". I nearly scratched out my eyes.
Wrong thread?

is pretty much everyone on this forum white then?
Yes. Krig is I think the only genuine racist, but we all make jokes.
I find and always have found it quite childish and ignorant to speak ill of the Fuzz. Sure, some police are total fucking jackasses, but the majority of them are good people and are just doing they're job: protecting us.