America has Fox. We have the Daily Mail. - Emos go to the black parade

I don't want to get baited into a flame war. But we just have a different world perspective, I didn't live my whole life in some suburban gated community. I lived in Europe for 17 years and had the oportunity to see most of the parts of the US in 8 years I lived here. Also had more than a fair share of dealing with the system, anything from traffic violations to minor drug and disturbance charges. So I have experience in dealing with legal system in the US.
whats the onion? the daily mail is a newspaper. quite a few people hate it. :P
The onion is a joke newspaper. Occasionally mildly amusing, usually not.

Perhaps in Canada that is true, in USA cops are noting but a fucking nuisance and the legal system which can be bought off.
Not actually true, but w/e...

yeah thats probably true tbh. At least that fits the cliche and what you hear about from the US.
That cliche is about as accurate as the blood libel.

*sniff* You've...come so far. They...grow fast!
Tbh, I credit you and Zeph for my expanded (musical) horizons in the last couple months, though there's still a ways to go.

I don't want to get baited into a flame war. But we just have a different world perspective, I didn't live my whole life in some suburban gated community. I lived in Europe for 17 years and had the oportunity to see most of the parts of the US in 8 years I lived here. Also had more than a fair share of dealing with the system, anything from traffic violations to minor drug and disturbance charges. So I have experience in dealing with legal system in the US.
Okay, if a cop picks some punk up on a drug charge, I don't know what you expect him to do.
You probably had a couple bad experiences with cops. A lot of cops are dicks, just like with normal people. But most aren't.
Cops in general aren't dicks unless you're breaking a law. All I can say is, either don't break the law or don't get caught, and you don't have to deal with them. Fucking duh.

I've noticed that a lot of traffic cops can be dicks, but I'd be pissed to if I had to stand around directing traffic all day.

Tbh, cops are normal people - some are dicks and some aren't. The thing is, when they're dicks it stands out more than with most people, because the potential for abuse of power is there.
They are just trying to do their job, protecting us. They just have a bad name because they catch people, and punish them. I've met some nice cops and I've met some asshole cops.
I don't want to get baited into a flame war. But we just have a different world perspective, I didn't live my whole life in some suburban gated community. I lived in Europe for 17 years and had the oportunity to see most of the parts of the US in 8 years I lived here. Also had more than a fair share of dealing with the system, anything from traffic violations to minor drug and disturbance charges. So I have experience in dealing with legal system in the US.

Oh OK I bow down to your superior knowledge then ubermenschen.
Perhaps in Canada that is true, in USA cops are noting but a fucking nuisance and the legal system which can be bought off.

Not in places where there is enough crime to keep them occupied so they don't have to pay attention to stuff like skaters. Or at least thats how I heard it is around here anyway. I'm no expert on cops, I only encountered them a couple times, and all of the ones I encountered were dumbasses. Like one who pulled pants out of my backpack, held it out, and said it was a jacket. And another one who screwed up two different people who's last names were completely different, just because they had the same first name.

Cops in general aren't dicks unless you're breaking a law. All I can say is, either don't break the law or don't get caught, and you don't have to deal with them. Fucking duh.

As Martin Luther King said. "If a law is unjust, then man has the right to break it". Or something along the lines of that. I don't even skate but its fucking stupid how you can't skate on someone elses property, because most skaters don't even damage the places they skate at. I don't get how a skater breaking their arm makes the owner of the property responsible, the skaters know what they're doing, and shit happens. Some laws in this country are just dumb.

There are some cops that are just dicks for no reason, just like there are cops who let you break minor laws that really don't matter that much.
Cops in general aren't dicks unless you're breaking a law. All I can say is, either don't break the law or don't get caught, and you don't have to deal with them. Fucking duh.

Agree with this. I've never had problems with cops because I've never broken the law and them noticing them. Some sre are asshole but they may have their reasons, just like when someones a dick because he has had a bad day, etc.
By the way, in which fucking way are emos related to cops? xD
I know I'm being captain fucking obvious here, but I just have to say it - what is so depressing about this so-called emo music? It always sounds squeaky-clean and radio tailored. If I want to hear something depressing, I'll listen to Eyehategod or Winter or Silencer, something that embodies self-destruction and the futility of life. What is being called emo portays depression as some kind of vain, glittery mope-party. It's a complete contradiction and I can only conclude that it's all fake or perhaps an attempt at irony that got way out of hand.

In other words, get off my lawn you little punks. *mumbles*