American DVD release date

Region encoding is an artificial method of keeping prices high. It keeps you from buying a video cheap from one region and playing it in a different one.

The PAL / NTSC is a video format difference. Europe uses the PAL format whereas America and Japan use NTSC, that's just the way things are. Some DVD players can play PAL, so you'll want to check your player just in case they don't have a clue and are going to be shipping European release DVDs to America, DVDs are not CDs, so you can't just import from Europe without having the proper hardware to handle the format differences.

Hopefully they generated NTSC and PAL versions of the video at the same time, so they'll be shipping the respective version to the proper place.

Supposedly my DVD player can convert PAL to NTSC for playback.
icedsymphony said:
Andreas from the end emailed me back. He said yes it is the ntsc version and it will be in soon. What soon means is anybody's guess. Im sure it's the same date as the europe version the 24th. It just won't hit stores in the U.S. till feb probably. So we are good to go, I hope and shit.
ok... we can stop worrying now
How are the End going to get the NTSC version (USA) the same time as the European version is released ? When the USA [NTSC] version isn't out until February ?

MFN aren't going to press NTSC copies just for the End to sell, are they ?
The dude said it was the NTSC version, so who am I to argue or figure that out. What I do know is that the end kicks ass, and always has their shit together. I guess they are getting both versions in. It's not like it's a new CD release and the label is worried about leakage. Also Im sure the late U.S. release is due to them touring here in feb-march, thus giving them something new to promote on the road.
I hate to make any of you guinea pigs, but how about this: any of you that live in the US and ordered the European version, let the rest of us in the States know if it works in your DVD player as soon as you get it, maybe even what kind of DVD player you have as well. We would all greatly appreciate it.
Golden Hall said:
I hate to make any of you guinea pigs, but how about this: any of you that live in the US and ordered the European version, let the rest of us in the States know if it works in your DVD player as soon as you get it, maybe even what kind of DVD player you have as well. We would all greatly appreciate it.

I will try and explain it for you.
The only thing that will stop a Disc playing in your DVD player is region coding (USA being region 1, Australia being 4, and Europe being 2 etc etc) It has been stated that this release (like most music DVD releases) is Region 0, which in simple terms, WILL play on ANY DVD player in the world.
The only problem you may encounter with the European version (being that you live in The States) is the PAL transfer. In this case, it's all down to your TV set. If you have a TV set built in the last 10 years, it will more than likely be able to play both NTSC and PAL (there may be a switch or an auto feature on your set) it's really this simple, I doesn't matter where the Disc comes from, you will be able to play it, provided your TV is modern.
Hell I live in Australia and half of my DVD's come from USA, Europe and Asia.

Hope this helps :)
You'll still want to be checking if your DVD player is region free compatible shadow katten. I know how the laws work over here which means they HAVE to offer region free players (which is usually just something as stupid as a code you punch in on an instruction bookelt or a number you call up to get the code), I don't know how things stand in the states though. Because it's region 0, all players should theoretically be able to play them whether they're also region free as well, but there are a handfull of really nasty DVD players which recognise region 0 discs and lock them out! :eek:

You shouldn't have to worry unless your DVD player is especially new and especially schmico (up market) though. Would be a good idea to simply borrow a friends region 0 music DVD (someone's sure to have one) and whack it in there and see how it goes.

Obviously all the people asking questions here are anime fans..... or they'd prolly be the ones handing out pointers. ;)
I love my Apex AD1500, i got it free from my grandpa and i did the firmware upgrade so it plays all regions and takes off macro-vision
Spike said:
You'll still want to be checking if your DVD player is region free compatible shadow katten. I know how the laws work over here which means they HAVE to offer region free players (which is usually just something as stupid as a code you punch in on an instruction bookelt or a number you call up to get the code), I don't know how things stand in the states though. Because it's region 0, all players should theoretically be able to play them whether they're also region free as well, but there are a handfull of really nasty DVD players which recognise region 0 discs and lock them out! !:eek:

You shouldn't have to worry unless your DVD player is especially new and especially schmico (up market) though. Would be a good idea to simply borrow a friends region 0 music DVD (someone's sure to have one) and whack it in there and see how it goes.
Thanks for the tip.:)