American groups/artists versus British groups/artists

Britain wins (well, England wins, unless you rate the Manic Street Preachers and Big Country), although there are good groups from the U.S. That said, Britain's musical growth has come almost to a standstill after the mid-70s, barring a few good underground metal acts.

Britain produces THE worst pop in the world, though. As dire as the likes of Britney, Christina, Backstreet Boys, Whitney Houston et al are, the S-Club 7, Fast Food Kids, Five, etc. are impossibly worse because they're third rate imitations of bad cookie cutter pop.
Britain vs. USA vs. Ireland, though: the UK still wins, but who wins the battle for second place?

Let's see...
USA: Hendrix, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Dylan, Faith No More, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, Ramones, early Aerosmith, Blue Cheer, Trouble, Saint Vitus, The Obsessed, Melvins...

Ireland: MacGowan, Horslips, first few U2 records, Thin Lizzy, Rory, Nemtheanga, Mellow Candle...

The silver medalist: USA, with Ireland taking a close bronze.
if you took this on a per head of population basis, thin lizzy and U2 basically win it for ireland. :D

pfft led zepplin, they just nicked american blues. literally in some instances. same with mick n keef
Vinz from 'La Haine' said:
Let's see...
USA: Hendrix, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Dylan, Faith No More, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, Ramones, early Aerosmith, Blue Cheer, Trouble, Saint Vitus, The Obsessed, Melvins...

I agree. Also: The Doors, Iggy and The Stooges, Dead Kennedys, Janis Joplin, etc.

And Britian: Black Sabbath, The Beatles, Queen, The Clash, etc.

also, um loads of cool 80s synth pop bands

but we have DEVO :worship:
Britain have always spawned better acts but the US have had it's share of success in the past. if you look at the late 70's into the eighties most of the good metal came from england - deep purple, sabbath, zeppelin, priest, maiden!! , early def leppard and the whole NWOBHM. You have true punk, as well as the the post-punk/goth bands like siouxsie, the smiths, the cure, etc... as well as all of those 80's british pop bands (clearly better than the US ones)

The US have had it's share of breakthrough (as well as brilliant) bands but the 'scenes' were invented by the brits and europeans

have any good band's ever come from Wales??
Mick Moss said:
America seems to me to be one massive pool of overcooked genres.

That's mostly true, especially with punk, metal-core, hardcore, black metal, and *gag*...emo. I occasionally make a trek to local clubs and my ears are assaulted with dime-a-dozen "punk" bands, who aren't really doing anything controversial or thought provoking; straight-edge jock core hardcore bands who don't believe in things like tuning instruments or writing decent riffs; and metal-core bands who try to sound like At the Gates but don't have the talent to accomplish that. Scenester people annoy the piss out of me; some of them are more close minded that the popular kids I went to high school with. One time these fashion punks got ignorant with me at a show because I wasn't dressed weird enough.