American Idol: Season 7 thread


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
So gather around the water cooler and share your thoughts. I will delete any posts that is just bashing as this thread is just for those that enjoy the show for what it is.

I enjoyed the train wreck show last night more so than in the past few years. The blonde who did "Amazing Grace" was unbelievable with her control. There were a couple of other good ones, but none on her level.

On the flip side, the Paula stalker was the funniest thing of the night. He actually had some hilarious lyrics ("If this were Columbo, I'd Peter Faulk you"). The unibrow chick from Dodgeball had me laughing along side the "Actressor" who thought Bon Jovi sang "Allentown." I thought she was actually better than a lot of them, but they weren't going to pass a freak like that regardless of how she sounded.
I only saw part of it but have it recorded. The dude singing to Paula was strange. He said"if your were a bathtub I would kaulk you". WOW. I think Simon was more scared than she was. These first shows are almost better than the real show. I hope they get some talent this year as I thought is was sub par last year. Did you see the SNL skit where Adam Sandberge spoofed Sanjya? ( not sure on the spelling)
Last night was an assault on my ears. The freak and Princess Leia would be good for an Indie label. The problem I had with the "freak" was that she was monotone with her song. Leia got screwed by looks. I agree about the stalker. However, I laughed my head off when I saw the Social Worker with the "sex" song. Sadly, What I don't get is why are all these people from Arizona and Oregon showing up in Philly? I just hope these people are not plants to screw some kid out of a chance at Idol.
...the 'glitter girl' totally missed what randy and simon said...they didn't say she was bad, just that she wasn't right for this show and that she should try being a singer in a 60's tribute/cover band......

....that guy junot was great...

...i wonder though, if some of these peeps that do the freaky songs are comedians....
That was disturbing. :puke:

I liked the girl from Oregon as well, head and shoulders above the rest of the clowns and beautiful too. I bet they didn't show all the talent though, seems like the night was mostly dedicated to the freaks. There were lots of yellow sheets handed out that we did not get to hear, so I am hopeful this will be a good year.

"If you were a blackboard, I would chalk you" - how awesome was THAT guy!

My Way was a classic too.

Let my peo-ple go; My wife and I could not stop laughing at the guy doing the moses song. Brothers forever was pretty damned funny as well, but I personally thought the guy didn't have a bad voice, just his heavy accent is I know what hurt him and he was cheesy. People are way to dramatic and it is funny hearing all of their excuses and "they are only looking for pop and nothing out of the mold," no, I think it is called they are looking for people who can at least somewhat sing not people who suck ass and think they are amazing. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and use a q-tip, and listen to themselves because all that shit has clogged their ears.
Was the "amazing grace" girl the same one who was the kickboxer/training to cage fight? If so, I thought she was great. Looks great too and seemed to have a great personality, so I predict she'll do well in the competition.

My only beef with the show is that it's lost a lot of it's original feel/humor, especially in the audition episodes. Before, you'd get the REALLY bad people who just didn't know they sucked and it was funny to watch. Now, you just get a bunch of jackasses who are trying way to hard to be bad or just weird so that they can get their 15 seconds of fame. That being said, I still enjoy watching it quite a bit.

I do feel sorry for some of the people because of how the contracts on the show work. A couple people I know have auditioned and some have even received the offer to be part of the group that initially goes to Hollywood. They saw the contracts and turned them down without any hesitation. It's a shame too, as one of the girls really would do well in such a competition. She's gorgeous, charismatic, has one of those personalities where just hearing her talk makes you feel like she's your best friend, and her voice is incredible. Absolutely mindblowing, and it takes A LOT for me to get into a vocalist. Way better than anyone I've heard on the show.
Gonna ressurrect this thread.

Amanda looks very familiar. Has she ever been to PPUSA? I could have sworn I have seen a picture of her at PPUSA as an attendee. Does she not remind you of Doro?
Okay, I do not watch, but a friend told me all about it at lunch and sent me pics of this Amanda chick. She looks like she is trying way too hard, definitely does not remind me of Doro. The hair alone is way too bride of Frankenstein. but I hear she does a mean Janis impression. :D
Amanda looks very familiar.






^LOL! Personally, I don't find Amanda entertaining, original, or even good. Hell, with 2-3 packs of Marlboro Reds per day for a few years I could have that voice too. I don't think she's the worst of the girls, but certainly not someone who should make it much farther.

In fact, my interest in the girls has dropped significantly now that Alaina is gone. She was my favorite by a wide margin.

As for the guys, I agree that Michael John has a good shot. David Archuleta sounds like he'd be more at home in some elegant evening gown sprawled out across the top of a piano singing depressing jazz tunes to a bunch of down on their luck business men. And the male contestant who'd I'd most like to see disappear quickly...that would be Danny Noriega. Sorry, but his whole attempt at being some sassy diva type idiot would be better executed by an actual girl.
...i am actually bored with ai this year....the talent is way better than previous years (kinda takes the fun out of it) ;).....out of the guys though, i do like jason castro...(i just see a big yellow smiley face with him) :) and michael johns...(every time i see him i see jim morrison)...the girls, carly....
They keep touting this as the "Best Idol Ever," but I don't see/hear it. I think Carly has the strongest of the female voices, but I suspect the voting public will put someone "cuter" through to the finals... like Kady Malloy who sucks by comparison. Listen to the two Heart songs side by side and tell me who did Ann Wilson more justice. The boys all are chasing David Archuleta, but his fake seeming humbleness/bashfulness are already starting to wear thin with me. America will vote for David Johns (who, doesn't have that strong of a voice) because he's a good-looking guy. The same (and only) reason that Luke is still in the competition.

Anyway, I hope these first two weeks are an anomaly because of this sickness that has been working its way through the cast... but I'm not hopeful.
Supposedly Michael Johns aka Michael Lee was active in the Atlanta music scene for several years. So, I wonder if any of you guys have seen him live in the Atlanta clubs.

Getting back to Amanda: I never meant "looks" like Doro, I meant performance-wise. I can see her fronting a melodic death metal or a gothic metal band in the vein of Daylight Dies. Man, I hope they open the vault and she sings "In League With Satan" by Venom or "Circle of Tyrants" by Celtic Frost. That would be incredibly wild.
Danny Noriega deserves a bullet through his head.

And to those who're wondering, I have nothing against homossexuals (assuming he's one).
Danny is gone! "sniff". Well, I can always vote for Amanda. After all, I would rather see her open Maryland Death Fest or Flight of the Valkyries. Hell, maybe in a year or so, Glenn could find it in his heart to have an Idol Veteran Showcase featuring Amanda's band and Ari Koivunen.

Man, Amanda SOOOOOOO hates to be there. But, I HATE what Carly said about King Sanjaya. So, I will be adding phone lines just to rid the universe of Carly "Miss $2.2M for 357 CD sales" Smithson. GO AMANDA!!!!
Danny is gone! "sniff". Well, I can always vote for Amanda. After all, I would rather see her open Maryland Death Fest or Flight of the Valkyries. Hell, maybe in a year or so, Glenn could find it in his heart to have an Idol Veteran Showcase featuring Amanda's band and Ari Koivunen.

Ari K. would be a great choice for a future PP, or more likely, showcase performance. Eventually he'll want to tour over here and PP would be a natural place to start such a tour, methinks.
I personally think Carly is the best looking female this year, plus she happens to look similar to my wife, and I think she is also the best female singer. With the guys I am looking at Michael Johns and Jason Castro(and I only finally got to see Jason perform last week), and I don't see what is so great about David Cook, plus last week was the first time I finally got to see a whole performance of his, darn those closing shifts.