American Idol: Season 7 thread

Carly is extremely pretty, and she's probably the best singer out there among the chicks... And will somebody please kick Kristy Lee Cook out of the show? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh what an annoying voice and intellectually challenged girl...
Carly is extremely pretty, and she's probably the best singer out there among the chicks... And will somebody please kick Kristy Lee Cook out of the show? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh what an annoying voice and intellectually challenged girl...

Personally, I can't stand Carly. That goes for vocally and appearance-wise. Kristy Lee Cook can't sing and should go, and Brooke White creeps me out beyond belief.
Personally, I can't stand Carly. That goes for vocally and appearance-wise. Kristy Lee Cook can't sing and should go, and Brooke White creeps me out beyond belief.

LOL. QFT as far as Brooke White goes. The prettiest girl is out, unfortunately. And right when she sang one of my favorite Queen songs.

However, not nearly as awesome as having Floor and Scheepers singing it together.
I'm pretty sure Kristy will go home tonight... just an awful "interpretation" (and I use the term loosely) of Eight Days a Week. Ramiele also ruined my personal favorite Beatles tune: In My Life... although I didn't see the end of the song because I fell asleep before she finished. :lol: For the guys, David Hernandez was the worst of the bunch, and Michale Johns and David Castro were mostly forgettable (although I was surprised to learn he's a fellow Aggie - WHOOP!)

Brooke looked like she was scared shitless... unfortunately I think she'll melt down within the next couple weeks - especially if she has to come out from behind a piano or a guitar and stand on that stage all by herself. Talented girl, tho.

I found it interesting that the judges didn't rip into David Archuleta for forgetting his lyrics multiple times... they have all gone on record and stated how forgetting lyrics is the ultimate sin in American Idol. If Kristy (or pretty much anyone else besides Carly & David) had done that she/they would have been shredded, gutted and strung up on a pole. Clearly he's the judges favorite, and I think he's definitely got a voice, but when he screws up he should be called on it just like everyone else.

I was impressed with Chikezie - that was a surprise - and I liked what David Cook did with Eleanor Rigby. I also thought the top female was Carly by far. Amanda is annoying me (definitely a one-trick-pony and all the talk of her being an "original" are BS... she's copying Janis) and Syesha was forgettable last night although I think she has a strong voice and is #2 behind Carly.

Anyway, I think it was good that David Archuleta screwed up last night because it will at least make the coming weeks a little more interesting... it certainly seemed/seems that they had handed him the Season 7 Crown already before last night.
During David Cook's eleanor rigby I kept on hearing Pain's version and I think he sounded like Peter does on the song, but I of course personally prefer Peter. Kristy should of gone, but David Hernandez sucked too.
I don't understand the hate over Carley. She's cute and has an awesome voice and decent stage presence. I think Archuleta has a voice way beyond his years, but he does need to wake things up and I think to forget the lyrics again would be unforgiveable. I didn't like David Cook until a couple weeks ago when he did a rockin' but heartfelt version of Lionel Richie's "Hello". His Eleanor Rigby was pretty bad ass too. I hpoe he continues on his streak since I feel he is one of the most "honest" performers.

I think the voting has been more accurate this year in terms of who whould be going. I've been doing pretty good with guessing who is going so far.

I didn't like Janis Joplin, so I'm sure not enthralled with her second coming. lol! at the pictures Glenn keeps posting. I think her days are numbered. I'm also not a fan of Michael Johns. He was marginally better last week, but still one of the weaker contestants in my book. I, too, was very happy when Danny Noriega was kicked off and didn't exactly shed a tear when David Hernandez got kicked off.

I think the next ones to go are: Amanda, Michael Johns, Ramiele Malubay, Jason Castro, and Syesha (even though she has a nice voice).

My Top 4 prediction is (currently): David Archuleta, Carly Smithson, David Cook, and Chikezie (who really woke it up last week). It will be interesting to see what they bring this week and see if that changes any of my predictions.
I really like Amanda Overmeyer, but she needs to figure out how to infuse some melody into her voice. She really needs to listen to some Robin Beck albums or something.

Cook obviously rocks the house.

I do like Michael Johns. Is it just me, or is he a Bruce Dickinson lookalike?
Please, please, please go home Brooke. WTF was her little display after the judges responses? Sorry, but I don't think Simon feels bad about telling you that you suck. She is awful on so many levels.

Not sure who said it earlier, but this whole "aw shucks" "gee wiz" bullshit from Archuleta is a tired act.

Can't stand Carly. Seemed like she spent more time rehearsing that line of bs she used to explain why she did Blackbird than actually injecting any shred of originality to the performance.

Someone needs to steal the copy of The Doors that Michael Johns watches every night before bed. Ditto on Amanda. Does every damn performance need to be a seizure? Zero versatility in her voice/performances.

Jason Castro is now my favorite. Very casual approach. Seems like a genuinely good guy.
David Cook, Michael Johns, and Carly are my favorites. I agree with Rockyracoon. The whole David "Artichoke" stuff has gotten really, really old. I admit the kid has a nice voice, but he's not held to the same standard as the older contestants. He comes out every week and sings the same, tired ol' fashioned ballad and everyone just melts for some reason, including Simon! If that was anyone else, the judges would be jumping their cases about doing something different, stepping out of the box, etc. I have yet to hear them say that to junior. :rolleyes:

David Cook has already taken the crown in my opinion regardless of the bullshit results show. Plus, he represented some Whitesnake last night!

I've only JUST started watching AI this year, and only in fifteen or twenty minute snippets because things like that horrendous cover of Magic Man a couple weeks back makes my skin crawl and immediately change the channel, but I've been impressed with David Cook thus far...
And for some reason when I posted my list of people to go next yesterday, I completely left out Kristy Lee Cook and she's on the top of my list to go. I think I kinda considered her out already. :lol:

My favorite is David Cook, then Carly. i don't think Archuleta is putting on an act and while he typically comes out with sappy renditions, I think he will make the top 4 just because he has a special quality to his voice. I was thinking Chikezie for the Top 4, but I'm not sure if he is going to be consistent enough to win over the American public. I'm not impressed with Brooke, I don't think she sucks, but I find her weird and boring as hell. Unfortunately, I think Ramiele is destined to be be boring forever and likely won't be far behind Kristy Lee. Its a shame because she actually has a voice.
I've only JUST started watching AI this year, and only in fifteen or twenty minute snippets because things like that horrendous cover of Magic Man a couple weeks back makes my skin crawl and immediately change the channel, but I've been impressed with David Cook thus far...
You are not kidding about that horrible rendition of Magic Man! It made me cringe through the ENTIRE performance. Perhaps worse than any other performance on this show ever before. Totally the wrong key too. I think part of it comes from a band I played in from '90-'91 (Archer) and we covered Magic Man with a female vocalist who was AMAZING! She had Wilson down perfect!

David Cook is my favorite too.
i don't think Archuleta is putting on an act and while he typically comes out with sappy renditions, I think he will make the top 4 just because he has a special quality to his voice.

Rick, Archuleta will make the top 4 because the judges are hell bent on getting him there. Again, the kid has a nice voice, but the judges aren't being fair to the other contestants when they judge him. I don't like Archuleta's style of music, but I know it can't be as great as they're all letting on. :lol: I'm predicting that he'll win the whole thing. If so, I can't see guys in their 20's and 30's buying his disc, sorry. I don't think he'll be anywhere near as successful as say Carrie Underwood or Chris Daughtry.

Rick, Archuleta will make the top 4 because the judges are hell bent on getting him there. Again, the kid has a nice voice, but the judges aren't being fair to the other contestants when they judge him. I don't like Archuleta's style of music, but I know it can't be as great as they're all letting on. :lol: I'm predicting that he'll win the whole thing. If so, I can't see guys in their 20's and 30's buying his disc, sorry. I don't think he'll be anywhere near as successful as say Carrie Underwood or Chris Daughtry.

True. You can definitely tell that there is a bias. They must think that with his voice they can produce something current. Its not like he'd be in control either way. While the judges do seem to sway the public, I don't think they control it that far. And I agree about the guys in their 20s and 30s. However, I don't think that is the market they're going for with him. Agreed again... and to think Daughtry was #4!
Archuleta is like an 18 yr old Barry Manilow. Just to clarify, that's not a good thing. I do agree that it will be hard to market him to the 20-30 yr old demographic. But all the same, Taylor Hicks and Clay Aiken must have been marketing nightmares too. I sincerely doubt many 20-30 yr old girls are into either of them, but maybe 20-30 yr old guys are.
I don't understand the hate over Carley. She's cute and has an awesome voice and decent stage presence.

Because Carly is a plant. She was signed by a gent named Randy Jackson when he was VP of A&R at MCA and when she was Carly Hennessey (Smithson is her maried name). She is considered one of the biggest busts of all time. MCA dropped $2.2 MILLION for Carly to sell all of 357 (That is NOT a typo!) CD's when they dropped her in 2002. Rick, you and the Court probably spent maybe $50K and sold 100 times what she did.

As for me, I am proud to say I voted 400 times last night for Amanda. My favs are Amanda, David Cook and Chekezie. I also have a soft spot for Josiah Leming.

The sad part this season is that they have what seems to me a bunch of career minor leaguers looking for that last shot at the majors. Furthermore, they are setting this up as a coronation for David Archuleta because the hottest market is the Hannah Montana crowd, and they will lap him up like mad.

Ray C.