American Idol: Season 7 thread

Incredibly, Da Arch was pimped like Spitzer's ho tonight. Problem is, Cook is still gonna kill him. Cook is ahead in all the indicators. Up by 12 in DialIdol poll.
I think DC deliberately underperformed last night - I mean, come on, if he can nail something like Hello, he can do U2 better than that! DA is going to end up winning and Hollywood is going to eat him alive - in five years he's going to be huddled in a corner weeping with a baggie of cocaine after short term success - and DC is going to end up having a lot more freedom with a lot less pressure.
I think DC deliberately underperformed last night - I mean, come on, if he can nail something like Hello, he can do U2 better than that! DA is going to end up winning and Hollywood is going to eat him alive - in five years he's going to be huddled in a corner weeping with a baggie of cocaine after short term success - and DC is going to end up having a lot more freedom with a lot less pressure.

I agree with you completely... DC definitely was just going through the motions last night. I actually hope that DA wins so that DC can make "his" record as opposed to the one the Idol producers will force down DA's throat.
I agree with you completely... DC definitely was just going through the motions last night. I actually hope that DA wins so that DC can make "his" record as opposed to the one the Idol producers will force down DA's throat.

I'm pretty sure that he'd be contractually obligated to release any album on the Clive Davis/19 Entertainment label, even if he doesn't win. Daughtry came in 4th and his album was still on that label, as are most Idol alumni.

I think the producers realized the success that Daughtry had with his disc and wouldn't force too much onto David Cook like they did with Bo Bice's first album.
I'm pretty sure that he'd be contractually obligated to release any album on the Clive Davis/19 Entertainment label, even if he doesn't win. Daughtry came in 4th and his album was still on that label, as are most Idol alumni.

I think the producers realized the success that Daughtry had with his disc and wouldn't force too much onto David Cook like they did with Bo Bice's first album.

A little note on Daughtry: He was the FIRST Idol of Season 5 to land a record deal when he signed with Sony/BMG (forgot the sub label off hand). He was also allowed to do his own stuff after he wowed Clive in a private audition.

The problem Cook has is that he will finish in the Top Two. He is now tethered to AI/19E for two years. That means if it is seen that Cook (should he lose) is doing better than Da Arch, 19E will find a way to slow him down ala Clay Aiken.

Now, had Cook finished third, they would have had FAR less control because Cook could've negotiated ANY deal he wanted to 90 days after the finale. That is a luxury he will NOT have. Remember, even though 19E has control over the Idol careers for non-winners, there is an out clause for both within that 90 day period. When Daughtry re-signed with 19E, they had no choice BUT to push him because it was a re-negotiated re-up. Cook, sadly, will not have that luxury.
Well, reading the tea leaves.....The judges praised Da Arch as if was the second coming of Frank Sinatra. Pimped the bejeezus out of him.

Problem is that this has pissed off Jason's and Syesha's fans to the point where they are voting for David Cook. All one had to do was read the Idol forums and you will see so much venom aimed at Da Arch, outside of Da Arch's own fans, it would scare a barrel of Water Moccasins.. BTW, the reason those fans are pissed is that they felt that their favorites (Jason and Syesha) were thrown under the bus for David Cook. Now, TPTB have turned around and pimped the crap out of Da Arch. Those fans are screaming "Foul!", and are voting accordingly.

As for my personal: I voted like a madman for Da Arch. Only because I know for a fact that the album he puts out will sell fewer copies than Carly Smithson's original debut....If he puts one out at all since Daddy Dearest is going to micromanage everything from the lyrics to the farts being laid. I do think Cook will win to his own detriment (And I do believe he tried to tank last night's performance), because his album is gonna be such a load of crap after 19E gets through with it.
Well, David Cook won by 12 million votes. It was not even close for Da Arch. I guess Da Arch was put to bed without supper after Daddy Dearest beat the crap out of him for losing. The look on Daddy Dearest was a look that could have killed a nation when it was announced that Cook won.

Well, we look forward to season Eight. Maybe Idol will be smart and name Glenn to replace Randy as a judge.

Well, one can hope.
This is his first single...

He doesn't exactly have Slash on his album.. yet.

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How did David Cook do with ZZ Top? I have it on DVR and have not watched it yet....
How did David Cook do with ZZ Top? I have it on DVR and have not watched it yet....

I thought he did well with it. Lets be honest, if you're a halfway decent rock singer, you should be able to pull off ZZ Top though. In my opinion, David has an excellent rock voice, so his version is much better than the original. They'll probably be six other people on here that disagree with me though.
