Your American Idol Season 5 Thread.

I always find myself watching this show. Chris the rocker dude will win this year. His voice reminds me of Aaron Lewis. He's by far the best with my girl Kat (Damn she's hot) coming in 2nd.

And oh yeah, this thread sucks :Smug:
opeth8 said:
I always find myself watching this show. Chris the rocker dude will win this year. His voice reminds me of Aaron Lewis. He's by far the best with my girl Kat (Damn she's hot) coming in 2nd.

And oh yeah, this thread sucks :Smug:
you're joking.
i hope.:zombie:
ironbeard said:
the only programs I will watch are "24" and The "Shield." /QUOTE]

shit yea! I'm pissed because I have to go to sleep when the shield comes on and I don't a tivo, so I've missed all this season...:cry: 24 is the shit though!
The audition rounds are hilarious. So many fat people and ugly people who cant sing to laugh at.
Once the top 100 or whatever are selected, the show goes downhill.
I've seen some of the American and Canadian ones and IMO they are horrible television. A bunch of preppy weiner kids screaming their little hearts out to songs people already heard (and done better) a million times doesnt' scream out talent to me.

What would be intresting television is people who make their OWN songs (from other genres) and don't just sing Celine Dion and Elton John [insert other singer here] songs for the whole year. The thing that bothers me about the show is no one wants to be unique or stand out... They're just stuck singing the same old crap (although probably forced to). A person who wins that competition thats just been singing other peoples songs the entire time isn't going to go very far in the music industry.