American Idol: Season 7 thread

Don't get it. Spell it out please. Thanks.

Well, not necessarily because it's a popular time to be patriotic, but more that it's an unpopular time to unpatriotic. It was a safe choice in that it seemed to insulate her from getting crapped on by the judges. I could just picture Simon, "that song was awful...etc,etc,etc." The next day he'd be catching shit for it. Simon himself admitted it was a "clever choice," while wearing a smirk that seemed to imply that he had more to say, but bit his tongue.
Well, not necessarily because it's a popular time to be patriotic, but more that it's an unpopular time to unpatriotic. It was a safe choice in that it seemed to insulate her from getting crapped on by the judges.

So you're saying that she played some type of "the judges won't criticize me and therefore people likely won't vote me off if I sing a patriotic song" safety card? Ok, I can see how it could be construed as pandering to a certain category of people if that were the case, but I still don't understand how it would be pandering to "the lowest common denominator".
I guess I just feel that if she sucked, she would've been voted off. Until this week's performance, I felt she was definitely the next to go, but she sang the song well, patriotic or not. (By the way, I was actually rooting for her to get voted this week off either way, so I'm not trying to defend those whom you feel voted for the wrong reasons or anything).

With the President's approval ratings in the toilet, public support for the Iraq war at historic lows and a rising tide of anti-patriotism rhetoric being fuelled by the bickering Clinton and Obama campaigns...singing "God Bless the USA" is probably the most courageous performance on AI ever.
I feel like America made the right choice last night for sure! It blows me away that she lasted as long as she did.

Michael Johns really stepped up to the plate this week in my opinion. I feel his was the best vocal performance, period!

I heard that Kristi's whole town votes non stop to keep her in the running...


Why does that make you puke? It's no different than Carrie Underwood's whole town of Checota, OK voting for her the year she won, or any hometown of any other AI contestant voting for their homegrown hero for that matter. I'm pretty sure David Cook's hometown is voting for him this year, as is David Archuleta's, Carly's, Syesha's, etc.

Don't let it worry you too much though - her whole town has probably about 2500 people in it at most (most recent census info for 2000 has the population listed at 1934.) I don't think they are swinging the vote all that much even if they all vote 10 or even 100 times each.

Besides, the American Public isn't determining who wins anyway... they are just feeding the AI coffer at $0.99 a pop with each vote. :loco:
it makes me puke because she's not that good...and people that should still be in the competition are getting booted before she is. I have been very happy with the performances this year and really have been enjoying the show (and after last year they had their work cut out for them) except for her. She's not the worst I've seen, but even she knows that she's on her way out...she's getting awkward now in interviews because of it.

I heard something about how one of her family members votes an average of about 600 times for her each tuesday...that's a little much. That's what's making me puke...heh.

In all all around idol season in quite some time.
I agree with you that she's not that good, and I think Chikezie might have been fun to have around a couple more weeks, but I can't think of a single person who's been booted so far that had even the slightest chance of winning the whole thing. Therefore it doesn't bother me that she's still around. Next week should be Kristy's turn, although It wouldn't surprise me if somehow Brooke/Jason/Syesha (beacuse of their recent visits into the bottom three) wind up going and she lasts another week.

As of yesterday I think I was more bothered by the fact that Ramiele was somehow still in the competition, but they fixed that "problem" for me last night. Right now I think I'm most annoyed with how much the judges have crawled up David Archuleta's ass. :lol:
The results from last night showed two things:

1. The American public who voted are plain stupid. Idiots, who have no clue about music or talent. As Simon said once, too bad this show is a popularity contest and not a talent contest.
2. Did I say the public who voted are idiots who've got no clue?
The results from last night showed two things:

1. The American public who voted are plain stupid. Idiots, who have no clue about music or talent. As Simon said once, too bad this show is a popularity contest and not a talent contest.
2. Did I say the public who voted are idiots who've got no clue?

You stilll believe that the American public and their "votes" dictate the outcome of this show? tsk tsk tsk... :Smug:


As you should know by now AI likes to do this at least once a season - throw out the "SHOCKING" revelation that a popular contestant got "voted off." I can't believe he/she got voted off!!ZOMG!!!!:OMG:!1!!ONE!!!

All this tactic is structured to do is cause the people who are currently voting to vote more and to hopefully entice a few apathetic or on the fence non-voters to pick up the phone and give AI some additional revenue... because we all know, "if you don't vote look what can happen - don't let this happen to your favorite idol."

That said, sure there are other contestants who should have gone home before Michael Johns, but he wasn't going to win the show anyway. Don't worry about ol' Michael either... I'm sure a record producer will have him in studio by the end of the week and he'll probably turn up on a daytime soap opera soon. :lol:
Besides, the American Public isn't determining who wins anyway... they are just feeding the AI coffer at $0.99 a pop with each vote. :loco:

I am not saying it's not rigged but doesn't it only cost if you text your vote? I think the phone call is free. I don't know as I have never voted.
whenever i heard michael johns sing, all i ever heard/saw was jim morrison...when he sang 'dream on'...he sounded like steven tyler...he kinda takes on the persona of whoever sang the song that he chooses to sing...he is not very original...but it was kind of a shock to see him voted off....