

problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
you'd all be speaking german now if it wasnt for the americans.
except the germans maybe. and the russians
God bless our western cousins :worship:
ah, they invented megalomania, built a nation to be free, and now they want to dictate freedom.
what they've been doing is cooking for hours and hours, spice up a bad recipe and when tee is served, to leave a huge mess in the kitchen that no-one wants to wash up.. :erk:
it would be nice if they were more suspicious and question for the validity of things and did not buy all that crap they feed them with. thats the biggest problem with that nation i reckon.
i think it was more ignorance in the case of banning dope. there were numerous tests done to prove that it is nowhere near as harmful as it is made out to be. scientific studies like that officials just threw away, i think nixon even burnt copies of it because he had such a hatred for something he obviosly knew nothing about. cunt. you ever see any of the american advertisements designed to scare people away from dope? :D they're hilarious, it shows people going round stabbing each other, girls stripping naked and having uncontrolleable sexual desires ( which would be great if true but.... ) the ads make people out to go uncontrollably insane and start either beating or shooting others under the influence. they're so funny! it goes to prove what you said sol; those damn americans dont seem to wonder if something is true or false, no suspicions either. i bet the dictionaries of their phones cant spell gullible :)
well isnt this an interesting thread. went to New York once with an old boyfriend. Can't say i enjoyed it too much when I got back. I mean it is quite easy to get sucked into it all, the american way of life etc, but when I got home I thought it was a total waste of time - would have rather found a country full of root vegetables, goats and old women with muzzies.
Proud of: Edgar Allen Poe, Jack Kerouac, Martin Luther King, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, The Doors, Stephen King, jazz, the blues, Anne Rice, Nirvana, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Bay Area Thrash Metal, what little wilderness is left, Elvis, Andy Warhol, kickass amusement parks, the Florida death metal scene, The Ramones; a segment of the population here that actually gives a damn about important social and political issues; The Cramps, Noam Chomsky, Jello Biafra, Henry Rollins, Joan Jett...etc.

Not proud: the Bush family, the religious right, 21st century imperialism, globalization, companies like Nike that use sweatshops, McDonalds, Wal-Mart (evil!), gated communities, stupid materialistic people (there's a lot of them) that blab away on cell phones while hogging the road in their SUVs, commerical radio (it sucks!), the Patriot Act, conservative members of the government who want to tell women what to do with their bodies, the drug war (a waste of time-legalize everything to get rid of the crime!), the KKK (inbred bestial morons), and xenophobia...
im sick of hearing knee-jerk euro-whining about the US, you'd all still be playing polkas AND speaking german if it wasnt for the yanks (and slavery too, for bringing all those blues playing dark lads over there))