America's Folly


clown shoe baffoon
Nov 30, 2001
Originally Posted by Curran
this is something I found on the internet by complete accident. But it puts into words what I feel about where America is going, what we are doing, have been doing, and will probabley continue to do until a bigger monster than us comes along and swats us flat. the only victims in this nightmare are the inoccent.
Here is where I found it at

The United States govenment, my government, is committed to folly.
It is an arrogant Machine bent on creating chaos in the effort to mold order on its terms.
Misinformation, lies and propaganda are the Machine's methods of communication.
It is not a representative government. Instead, it is driven by minority idealism.
Be free to speak to a deaf Government; be free to speak to powerless representatives.
Be restless, be frustrated, be angry, and be prepared.
It is only getting uglier; the deathtoll is rising
Be liberated from limb, be liberated from family and be liberated from life.
This Machine is alive and hungry.
Anchor up and blow me, okay?

In case you missed it on the news, many of the people of Iraq are as fed up with Saddam Hussein's regime as we are. When the members of that nation's army are surrendering in the hundreds to a single platoon of US Marines, it's a pretty good sign that the morale of that nation's fighting force is at an all-time low. Hell, Great White killed more Americans in one night than Iraq has in a week and a half of fighting! Shall we also talk about their citizenry? Read on.

In case you missed it: We're over in Iraq for 2 reasons: military strategic location and oil.

Iraq is almost centrally located in the Middle East. It's a perfect strategic location for launching an effective defense or attack against any other country's government that makes the unfortunate mistake of attacking us directly or by funneling funds to terrorist groups to attack unarmed civilians. (For those of you who still think that Saddam had nothing to with 9-11, remember, the criminal underground (Mafia, Yakuza, etc.) has had ways of laundering money for decades undetected and/or with little interference from law enforcement. Also, why did Saddam have a mural of the 9-11 attack on a wall in one of his palaces? Hmm... Discuss amongst yourselves.)

Also, Iraq would outperform Saudi Arabia in oil production if all of their reserves were tapped for drilling. This country makes billions of dollars in oil revenues a year. Now, could you then please explain why nearly 60% of that nation's people are on that country's government food assistance program, if not starving altogether?

Personally, I think it's about time that we did launch a pre-emptive strike against someone. In case you missed it, the politics of the 20th Century ended at about 8:35 am EDT on September 11th, 2001. Hell, many nations before America went to war simply for financial reasons.

Did you really think that we would sit and do nothing about it or start a "discussion"? I've got something to say to these idiotic liberals who think that we should talk it over or turn the other cheek:

A U.S. Marine veteran I know once discussed a situation about these type of people: Go up to any liberal/peacenik/war protestor etc. that insists that we "discuss" the situation or "talk it over" rather than take action against those who have wronged us. Listen intently to what they have to say. While they're in mid-sentence, punch them in the head. When they get back up, hit them again until they start fighting back. If they don't fight back, they're a masochist and/or a moron for allowing themselves to be defeated that easily. If they do fight back, let them know that their argument doesn't hold water because that's exactly what happened to us on September 11th, 2001. We got hit 4 times. Guess what?!

:Smug: PAYBACK'S A BITCH MOTHERFUCKER! This country's armed forces have never given up that easily unless we've run out of ammunition.

Also, I've got something to say about these protests. If any one of these protestors makes the idiotic mistake of blocking emergency vehicles as part of these "dead-ins," I won't feel any remorse about driving over these jackasses. (Did you guys ever stop and think that someone might actually be hurt somewhere or in some kind of trouble and you're blocking the way of a vehicle that is trying to help them?)

Also, if I find any of these protesting jackasses driving an SUV, you better be ready to get punched in the neck, you fucking hypocrite.

Am I being smug? Arrogant? You betcha! I've been there before, I know the rules and there will be more news coming soon. :Spin:
And one more thing: Isn't it interesting how France, Germany, and Russia adamantly think THEY should be active in the Iraq restructuring? After U.S. and British troops shed their blood in this effort, these cowardly governments want to step in and reap the financial profits Iraq has to offer. (Note: many weapons found in Iraq came from the French and Russians...hmmm.)

I now officially step off the soapbox. Back to METAL!!!!
Hmmm. reminds me of the chicken little story.


Wonder Woman fought evil dictators....that's good enough for me...she wanted peace and kicked major ass to get it. The US Govt wants peace too...we're just finally kicking major ass to get it.

Well France is owed billions of dollars from IRAQ to repay for nuclear power plants that they made for they want a piece of the pie to repay that debt since we bombed the fuck out of them and they're probably destroyed. Russia still can't bounce back after so many years of communism and they want theirs too....

Now see why I switched my major from Poly Sci to Theatre Arts???

Ooooh I think i'll lighten the conversation and go plan a show or something...too much political discussion over dinner hehehehe.
smylex said:
Also, I've got something to say about these protests. If any one of these protestors makes the idiotic mistake of blocking emergency vehicles as part of these "dead-ins," I won't feel any remorse about driving over these jackasses. (Did you guys ever stop and think that someone might actually be hurt somewhere or in some kind of trouble and you're blocking the way of a vehicle that is trying to help them?)

Not to mention Iraq's Minister of Disinformation, who's still in denial about this, would use the sound bites of the protestors to show the Iraqi's to get them ramped up when they don't need to be and it will get them killed when it doesn't need to.

wow political correctness nothing. i know what happened on 9-11 was terrible and I am glad of the course of action we have taken in regards to that. but to believe that this moron hussien is involved is a bit far fetched. sure he is evil and fuxcked up I agree but lets get a real reson for blowing his ass up first. not this trumped up terrorist bullshit we have. if his people are so tired and disloyal then why do i see pix in american papers of the iraq people dancing on blown up american tanks????? why are hundreds of iraqi men RETURNING to the country to be killed or captured by american troops? saddam could never be in league with osama. he has killed thounds and thousands of musslim's and is a christain! they ALL are fucked up over there but why do we have to fix the worlds problems with our troops blood? I do not think we should be the police of the world. we should defend ourselves from true threats not get american soldiers killed over oil
HOLY FUCK YETTI....that protest photo is very wonder the guy in the lower right is wearing a mask.


It can't get worse than Frisco...that's got to be the most liberal place in the country.

I know you put it up to show how freaky people are but I'm embarrased to have that associated w/ our site....

Curran said:
wow political correctness nothing. i know what happened on 9-11 was terrible and I am glad of the course of action we have taken in regards to that. but to believe that this moron hussien is involved is a bit far fetched. sure he is evil and fuxcked up I agree but lets get a real reson for blowing his ass up first. not this trumped up terrorist bullshit we have. if his people are so tired and disloyal then why do i see pix in american papers of the iraq people dancing on blown up american tanks????? why are hundreds of iraqi men RETURNING to the country to be killed or captured by american troops? saddam could never be in league with osama. he has killed thounds and thousands of musslim's and is a christain! they ALL are fucked up over there but why do we have to fix the worlds problems with our troops blood? I do not think we should be the police of the world. we should defend ourselves from true threats not get american soldiers killed over oil

We don't need a "real" reason to blow up Hussein. Besides, it's something that George H. Bush should have done back in 1991 during Operation: Desert Storm. Actually, we should have done it in 1988 when Hussein's regime was using chemical weapons on his own people. I'm getting tired of these terms of "legality," "morality," etc. You know who decides what's a war crime; what's legal; what's moral? Whoever wins the war. The victor writes history. The victor decides who the heroes are. Might has always been the basis of Right.

Yes, there is going to be pockets of resistance in Iraq. Of course, if the people of Iraq were truly willing to fight, you'd be seeing many more shots of Iraqis dancing on our tanks and not the shots being made up by the propaganda ministry. But, the true and sad fact of the matter is that the number of causualties taken by coalition forces is only just over 100, several of whom were not killed by Iraq's soldiers (many crashed into each other in the air or were victims of "friendly fire." Even in foreign war, we're still our own worst enemy). Come on...Great White had a higher body count and they weren't even armed! (Maybe we can absolve Jack Russell and company of all charges if we send them over to Iraq. Yeah, it's a joke in poor taste, but we don't have time for this political correctness bullshit.)

Sure, Iraqis will be killed by our troops. It's a war. If they're captured, they're held by our forces as prisoners of war so they can't kill anymore of our guys. It's all part of the game. We treat our prisoners of war as we would like to be treated in the same situation. We give them food, water, shelter and we'll also extract whatever information we can from them about troop movements, supply lines, ammuntion, etc.

We are not fixing this world's problems with our troops blood. We are fixing this world's problems utilizing our military might as a tool to enforce our will. As General Patton once said, "This country never won it's wars by some poor bastard dying for his country. This country won it's wars by making some other poor bastard die for his country!" We were made quite perfectly, totally, crystal-fucking-clear in Basic Training that as members of the United States Armed Forces we were expected to defend the national interests of this nation. Freedom? Sure, we defended your freedom. We also defended your American way of life, which included the business of these oil companies that have a lot of money invested in Iraq, Kuwait, etc. This is why we act as a "police force" around the world. We send a very clear message to the rest of the world that you shall not attempt to interfere with our way of life or, as Sam Kinison once said, "You go hungry and then we kick your fucking ass!" Do you like the lifestyle to which you've become accustomed? Get used to the fact that our men, women and officers of the military have volunteered for a job for which they are grossly underpaid and you're not being drafted into a war you may not agree with in order to defend your lifestyle.

Also, that picture of the people holding up the sign that says, "We support our troops when they shoot their officers": Glad to see that these people want to see other Americans get killed. In case they missed it, many of our officers in the military are kept in the dark about what's going on until a few minutes before CNN starts broadcasting it on the news.

There'll be more, but I have to go to work.
Bruce Chickinson said:
HOLY FUCK YETTI....that protest photo is very wonder the guy in the lower right is wearing a mask.


It can't get worse than Frisco...that's got to be the most liberal place in the country.

I know you put it up to show how freaky people are but I'm embarrased to have that associated w/ our site....


ok, im deleting it right now:)
and finally this is for you stupid anti war people:

THIS IS NOT AN ILLEGAL WAR! The coalition action against Saddam Hussein is not a violation of the United Nations Charter and is not a violation of international law. To understand this you will need to stop beating your gums and sit down to read. More specifically, read United Nation’s Security Council resolutions 678, 687 and 1441. Resolution 678 was passed shortly after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. This resolution orders Saddam to withdraw his troops from Kuwait and to recognize the pre-established international border between Iraq and Kuwait. Resolution 678 also says that any member state can use military force to enforce the requirements of this resolution or any subsequent resolution dealing with Saddam. Now .. go on and read Resolutions 687 and 1441, both dealing with demands for Saddam’s disarmament. Both of these resolution make specific reference to and reaffirm Resolution 678. Those of you who did not attend government schools can understand, then, that the United States and Great Britain, both being member states of the United Nations, are completely within their legal rights to use military force against Iraq and Saddam Hussein to enforce the provisions of Resolution 1441.
I am seriously bothered by the turn of this discussion... "might makes right"? Just because we can, does not mean we have the right...
Our short-term... or better yet, selective memory, tends to get us into trouble... It wasn't long ago that we gave Afghanistan rebels $3 billion to fight against the Soviets... those rebels spawned Al-Qaida...
it wasn't long ago that we supplied Iraq with the weapons to kill Iranis... and then supplied the Iranis with the weapons to kill the Iraquis...

different views of the events in Iraq... do not trust "the news",,5944-638677,00.html,2763,932096,00.html

I was one of the protestors, and it upsets me to be lumped with people that obviously do not have the best for humanity in ther intentions.
Wow, we're all getting into it here, on an IRON MAIDEN's board! Anyway, each is entitled to his/her opinion. Just 2 points to those who adamantly oppose the war in Iraq:

1. What is your alternative solution (please don't be overly idealistic and unrealistic)?

2. Remember, the choices and lifestyle you enjoy in the U.S. are, to a degree, the result of what many consider to be "exploitation" of other countries and the U.S.' involvement in other countries' political and economic affairs. If you can't accept that, move to another country, like France.
1. don't get involved... we helped Saddam through his worst years when he was fighting Iran (the Reagan years)... so if it was to get rid of him... maybe we should admit that we had a hand in the fact that he stayed in power this long.

2. hmmmm, just because I disagree, and can't accept the fact that we are an imperialist country and have more interests in the places we get involved in... I should move to France? well... I happen to live here because I can voice my difference in opinion... I think a good American should question the decisions of the gov't and not believe blindly what we are being told.
