My final word on this subject:
This isn't just blind patriotism or some residual bravado over our apparent defeat over an impoverished and starving people in a far away land, but I think it's a fair to state this as fact:
(insert Star Spangled Banner here)
America is the greatest country on Earth. We are given every opportunity to succeed, we just need to learn to take and find those opportunities. Those that can't are foolish for not having taken the chance. Having spoken with several immigrants, they know not to take for granted what so many people who are born in this country do. I enjoy the lifestyle that I'm living as do many others. I enjoy having the priveledge to be able to speak my mind against my own government if I wish or to rally behind it when the shit starts to hit the fan. I don't mind paying extra taxes now and then if it means that it helps keep the nation looking beautiful or improving education. I don't mind putting my life on the line in the defense of my nation's political and socio-economical interests as my grandfathers and late grand-uncle David did as I know that it will benefit others as well as myself. Hell, I'd be back in the US Armed Forces right now with the Fleet Marine Force serving as a Field Medical Dental Technician if it weren't for some bureaucrat making the decision that those veterans with longer than 6 years out of active duty could not re-enlist, even if they do meet the age/health/height/weight/re-enlistment recommendation requirements. (If that's gonna be the case, I'm gonna use up my G.I. Bill for school and get my BS/BA. Let Uncle Sam pay for my education. Hell, I gave up 5 years...why not? Besides, it's not like they can draft me!
This is the Greatest Country on Earth. If it's not, then why the hell do we have so many people sneaking over here?!
This isn't just blind patriotism or some residual bravado over our apparent defeat over an impoverished and starving people in a far away land, but I think it's a fair to state this as fact:
(insert Star Spangled Banner here)
America is the greatest country on Earth. We are given every opportunity to succeed, we just need to learn to take and find those opportunities. Those that can't are foolish for not having taken the chance. Having spoken with several immigrants, they know not to take for granted what so many people who are born in this country do. I enjoy the lifestyle that I'm living as do many others. I enjoy having the priveledge to be able to speak my mind against my own government if I wish or to rally behind it when the shit starts to hit the fan. I don't mind paying extra taxes now and then if it means that it helps keep the nation looking beautiful or improving education. I don't mind putting my life on the line in the defense of my nation's political and socio-economical interests as my grandfathers and late grand-uncle David did as I know that it will benefit others as well as myself. Hell, I'd be back in the US Armed Forces right now with the Fleet Marine Force serving as a Field Medical Dental Technician if it weren't for some bureaucrat making the decision that those veterans with longer than 6 years out of active duty could not re-enlist, even if they do meet the age/health/height/weight/re-enlistment recommendation requirements. (If that's gonna be the case, I'm gonna use up my G.I. Bill for school and get my BS/BA. Let Uncle Sam pay for my education. Hell, I gave up 5 years...why not? Besides, it's not like they can draft me!

This is the Greatest Country on Earth. If it's not, then why the hell do we have so many people sneaking over here?!