America's Folly

And Yetti....let's take care in lumping "stupid anti war people" into a group. Can we please keep this a respectful discussion without resorting to calling people "stupid" por favor? People can disagree w/ views and still be friends **not to mention very intelligent individuals** when stuff is discussed...pretend we're duscussing politics over the dinner table in person.

James Bond style:

To the butler: "I'll have another of those Caramel Martinis please."
drumslut said:
Except for the cold weather, great choices! What about the Netherlands?

a couple years back, i spent a few days in amsterdam. cool city, but i hate the people. such assholes. i also got to spend an evening in a local police station. im not gonna elaborate, but the charges were dropped due to lack of any real evidence. amazingly, i didnt get banned from holland either. when we left, i just sang the "suckaaa my dickaaaa" song.
Keyser Soze said:
I am seriously bothered by the turn of this discussion... "might makes right"? Just because we can, does not mean we have the right...I was one of the protestors, and it upsets me to be lumped with people that obviously do not have the best for humanity in ther intentions.

When I said "Might is Right," I was using it in a historical perspective. Look throughout history and you'll see that those with the best and strongest armies/navies have always been the victors in wars (i.e. the Roman Empire, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, the Greeks). Those who weren't the best and still won had the cleverness to make their way around those obstacles placed in their way. Remember Murphy's Law: "The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's usually best the way to bet." The strong must remain the strongest, otherwise, they'll be overtaken by the stronger. The swift must be the swiftest, etc.

Nature abhors weakness. This is why the weak animals that fall behind when chased by predators are eaten first. It's nature's own balance and this model of operations can be found in the actions of the U.S. military. Those who cannot meet the physical and mental requirements of their job duties are discharged from the service so the weakest links in the chain don't send the entire ship sinking.

As far as protesting, if you feel that you must, please, go right ahead. It's your priveledge to do that in this country. (Let me make this completely clear when I say it's a "priveledge" for you to be able to protest. There are no "rights" that you have that were not paid for in someone else's blood and these "rights" which we all enjoy are merely priveledges that can be taken away from you at a moment's notice.) Keep it peaceful and don't block emergency vehicles. I have a job to do without having to worry about some schmuck laying down in front of my vehicle when some poor woman and her kid is in her minivan or SUV in a traffic lane with traffic zipping past her at 80 miles per hour. I also don't want to be walking down the street when some asshole decides he wants to bring his molotov cocktail supplies to a peace rally/anti-war protest so they can make and possibly use handmade incendiaries to throw at some cop with a family who's just trying to keep order like what happened in San Francisco at the start of Operation: Iraqi Freedom. These kind of protestors give the whole lot a bad name, including the guys in the deleted picture holding up the sign encouraging our troops to shoot their own officers. It's bad for morale, not just for our troops, but also for those who might have family members fighting overseas who've had their lives disrupted on account of recent events.
Bruce Chickinson said:
And Yetti....let's take care in lumping "stupid anti war people" into a group. Can we please keep this a respectful discussion without resorting to calling people "stupid" por favor? People can disagree w/ views and still be friends **not to mention very intelligent individuals** when stuff is discussed...pretend we're duscussing politics over the dinner table in person.

James Bond style:

To the butler: "I'll have another of those Caramel Martinis please."
sorry about that, i got a little worked up for no reason for a second, ill be good:Saint:
I think we can all agree that no one is actually "pro" war. And the entire Middle East is fucked up for very complicated reasons, religion being a dominant one. They think a lot different than we do over there, and it will be interesting to see the outcome.

But after 9/11/01, we have to accept the fact that we can no longer be complacent and nonchalant about our own well being.

Yes we do have a lot of problems here at home to take care of, but what goes on around the world has a significant impact on our lives here in one way or another.

I agree 100% with Smylex.

oh look, cheescake is on the dessert menu, schweeeeet.

i agree drumslut

id cheer for our basketball team, but we dont have one in atlanta:Smug:
Bruce Chickinson said:
Uhhhhhhhh ahem...could you pass the green beans drum slut?

I wonder if cheese cake is on the desert menu...ooh I just love that raspberry sauce.

Me, too. How about some gravy for your turkey, too? =)

PS. My "new" Ludwig Vistalite drum set (clear, red, blue) is almost ready!
Bruce Chickinson said:
Can't wait to see the new kit!

You will see it at the annual Belmont Shore July 4 street/block party. It's just a simple 4-piece set I am putting together. Those old Vistalites are very fragile, however, because they're made of acrylic.

Oh yeah, and the party is right around the time of SOMEONE'S (?) birthday, too! ;)
Keyser Soze said:
1. don't get involved... we helped Saddam through his worst years when he was fighting Iran (the Reagan years)... so if it was to get rid of him... maybe we should admit that we had a hand in the fact that he stayed in power this long.

Just curious, do you have the same "don't get involved" theory for North Korea? Believe me, I'm not big on attempting to be the "world police," but the stakes are getting pretty high. Frankly, and this is going to sound selfish as all hell, but I really wasn't the slightest bit interested in liberating the Iraqi's from Saddam. There are quite a few contries that live under similar conditions. I don't think it is our place (especially with some of our jackass chickenshit "friends" not helping) to fix them all, which is probably not even possible. But nations that have WMDs and support terrorism don't work for me. If someone dusts Disneyland with Anthrax or drops off a "dirty" bomb at Universal Studios, my life, along with many other Americans, is immediatly going to turn to shit, if I still have it at all. So, I'm not sure that we could really choose to not be involved. We seem to be hated by most of the world for one reason or another, and certainly seem to be up close to the top of the terrorists preferred attack list. Doesn't that inherently make us involved already? Since walling off the US and spending about 100 billion dollars on a Satellite/Missle defense system (one that actually might work) doesn't really seem like an option, what other choice is there? Deal with it now, or deal with it later, and it could and probably would be much worse later.

In Al Kufa, a soldier gives some candy to an Iraqi child.

And yes, I'm avoiding this discussion - except to say that

Operation Piss Off The Planet (as The Onion calls it) is going well.

My brother CPL Robert Ortiz (USMC) got deployed today to go over there. It seems like the most of the fighting is done but hopefully things will settle down there a bit more. Our troops aren't out of harm's way yet. I guess I'm lucky Robbie didn't have to go sooner...many people have had relatives there throughout this whole ordeal. I can only imagine what they are going through.
Whether we believe in this war or not Robbie and all like him need our support to do the job they were trained to do and to be able to return home safe and sound. As ugly or unacceptable as it is they folks need our support, they have been trained to, without question, follow orders whose intent is to protect the weak and down trodden everywhere, as well as, our rights. This may not be the best path but it IS the path we have collectively agreed to walk.
Steph Harris said:
My brother CPL Robert Ortiz (USMC) got deployed today to go over there. It seems like the most of the fighting is done but hopefully things will settle down there a bit more. Our troops aren't out of harm's way yet. I guess I'm lucky Robbie didn't have to go sooner...many people have had relatives there throughout this whole ordeal. I can only imagine what they are going through.

No doubt you've heard of all the activity the 101st Airborne (The Screaming Eagles) have been involved in. Several of the people I work with here have husbands/friends in the 101st, and we also have a reporter who went with them to the gulf. Some old friends of mine are also deployed (one is a specialist who learned/speaks Arabic, so you know he's in demand). I live about 12 miles (as the crow flies) from the base, and regularly saw apaches & blackhawks flying over my house in the woods (before they were deployed to the gulf).

I suspect the veterans of this war will need all the support we can give them when they come back. The number of people our troops have had to kill, not to mention the long hours of fighting (and the way the enemy chose to fight us) are definitely going to have a lasting impact on their psyches.

I'll keep your brother in my thoughts as well. Here's to wishing a safe return for our loved ones!
Bubba, sometimes you have to use a big jerk to get rid of a bigger jerk, thats just the way it is with diplomacy. Stalin was an asshole, but we used him as an ally to topple Hitler. You forget the big Red Elephant in the room during the Iran/Iraq war in the mid 80's, the Soviet Union. And because of the trouble we were having with Iran, we tilted towards Iraq with our support. We didnt "build Saddam Hussein", you want to quote a bunch of UK Guardian articles, who hate the United States in the first place. Afghanistan was the Soviet's vietnam, and we helped make it a reality because it was the Cold War. It was part of what helped destroyed the Soviet Union's war machine and contributed to its downfall, our ultimate goal. Hindsight is always 20/20, I dont think we had any idea that a former ally would make it his goal to destroy us because of his wacked out religion.

In fact, I dont care what happened 20 years ago, anyway it doesnt matter, you take care of a threat now. There isnt much else that could be done about him anyway, he's been not even complying with the terms of his surrender in the first place. Shooting at our jets in the no-fly zone, thats an act of war right there. Military is the only way to take this guy out. There is no "peaceful solution" to dictators like that. Any rebellion by the people would get them executed, flat out. Any dissent amongst the hierarchy, executed. even family for crissakes. I doubt you are in favor or him personally, but you promote an idea that would result in him being in power for another 12 years of fun on his part while we hope he becomes a nice guy. No way, im sure glad "peaceniks" are not running things!

And for you people who think "there is no terrorist connection", youre wrong. This guy is the friggen king terrorist, have you not been watching the news? They have been destroying terrorist camps left and right. They even have one at Salman Pak region that has an actual airplane fuselage from a Boeing 727, to train friggen terrorists on hijacking planes. Look it up. The Fedayeen have been shooting people in the back as they try and flee, and flat out killing other that wont fight for them. The British said there was Al Quada fighting with the Fedayeen as well. And I dont care if its Ansar Al-Islam, or Hezbollah, or the Al Quaida, they are all on the same team. These are all terrorists, and they all have the same goals. If our country was Imperialist as you say, canada and mexico would be ours. You dont know what Imperialism is
i just want to point out that this thread was started by mr curran murphy, former guitarist of nevermore:rock: i don't agree w/ his views about the war, but hes still one kick ass guitarist!
Yeah...Nevermore rules...

I am really impressed by Samhain's and Smylex's informative posts...I loved Poly Sci in college but I was always too busy with rehearsals and lyric writing in lectures to do well on tests but that stuff is fascinating...There's so much to know.

Hitler would have loved to take out both my Grandfathers in WWII who were kicking ass for the US Army and anytime we can take out a dictator which will bring more peace to the world...and save more lives...I am happy. Afterall the ass kicking Wonder Woman did...her ultimate goal was peace.