Amon Amarth coming to Australia?

About your sig:

Come Clarity was probably the best metal album ever written, pure genius.
I really liked the older In Flames though. Everything past Clayman sucks in my opinion.
In Flames, look at Whoracle, good, Swedish death metal, Come Clarity is fucked, his soft vocals are so fucking whiney. At least bands like Dark tranq and Amon Amarth have kept to their routes and havent "rerouted to remain" to keep the $$ comin in. I think In Flames lost a lot of their old fans with their last couple of albums but have gained heaps on new wave fans.

To bad, i would have liked to have seen In Flames live, but only Colony, Whoracle, Clayman & Jester's Race material.

I guess In Flames just arent my thing. Thats my 2cents.
I personally ADORE The Jester Race and Subterranean. Henke Forss is the best vocalist they've had! I have to agree with PaganThunder, his vocals since (including) Clayman are criminal. Whiney, emo, derivative. It is a disgrace that In Flames were once metal. I think they are possibly the worst sellouts in the history of metal music (only rivalled by Children of Bodom imo).

I'm not tooo keen on the way Amon Amarth has gone. I prefered the raw aggression of Once Sent, rather than the more groovy stuff since 'Versus The World', but I'd probably class that more as a question of personal taste than 'selling out'.
In Flames, look at Whoracle, good, Swedish death metal, Come Clarity is fucked, his soft vocals are so fucking whiney. At least bands like Dark tranq and Amon Amarth have kept to their routes and havent "rerouted to remain" to keep the $$ comin in. I think In Flames lost a lot of their old fans with their last couple of albums but have gained heaps on new wave fans.

To bad, i would have liked to have seen In Flames live, but only Colony, Whoracle, Clayman & Jester's Race material.

I guess In Flames just arent my thing. Thats my 2cents.

i saw them live and met them. utter pricks. ask mealz about the bootleg of the gig with me on stage with them.
In Flames are my favourite band, although i cannot stand their new shit. Clayman and before are godlike in my books. I'd say their bigger sellouts then Metallica. Metallica didn't change their style to a trend like In Flames did.

Anyway, Hail Dark Tranquillity and Amon Amarth for sticking to their guns! :kickass:


About my sig, it's obviously not me, see the name "hibernal_dream". And yes i think Come Clarity is fucking horrible, i think it's hilarious this guy seriously considers Come Clarity the best metal album ever.